Talk about feeling like I LACKED! And definitely the Healing Elixr of 2011 on the Veg888 Food Blog!

Luckily, I had buckwheat on hand and was able to sprout it! 🙂

Sprouted the buckwheat and made REJUVELAC in the usual three batch method.  LOTS AND LOTS of jars in the FRIDGE! YES!

Did I feel a difference without the REJUVELAC?


Although I was quite busy last week, the emotional strain of the week, compounded with no LIFE in my body was horrible! (RE: Rejuvelac – still had live foods of other sorts!-salad, E3 Live, etc)

Last Monday I received a call from my mother telling me about a family member going into the hospital.  Since this is the only forum where I share EVERYTHING, I thought I would tell you what has been happening.

My cousin was admitted into the hospital Sunday evening with a swollen liver and extreme fluid retention.  Within 12 hours the entire family was called and informed he had 3 hours to live. 😦

Now, me being me I knew that this is and was totally NUTRITIONAL! or I suppose LACK THEREOF!  It hurt me.

It hurt me to know what his body was going through.

It hurt me that he isn’t even 50 years old and his liver was that of a severe 70 year old alcoholic.

It hurt me that I don’t speak to him unless I happen to come across him at a family function.  Which in and of itself is a RARE OCCURANCE!

To cut a LONG STORY SHORT…HE IS ALIVE AND WELL! 🙂  Not out of the woods so to speak, but coming back!

All last week my taste tester and I sent him healing energy and just kept telling him to fight and live!

I had been telling my taste tester that I felt like something was going to happen.  I didn’t know what and I couldn’t tell to whom…

I never expected it to be him.  Not because of any reason other than his age, I don’t see him.  Etc.

So, I don’t know how I will reach him but I will try.  If nothing else maybe tell him “You are loved and love yourself!  Take your life and nutrition to an entire NEW LEVEL! Love You cousin and I hope you will read this one day! 🙂

Now on to the Veg888 Kitchen Update:

The rejuvelac made out of buckwheat is quite sweet smelling, however tastes the same! 🙂

I am currently sprouting some wheat berries and will make the next batch from wheat.  I am planning on trying the Quinoa next.  I saw a BLACK quinoa at Whole Foods the other day and may mix the red and black together. 🙂

What will I do with the sprouted buckwheat you ask?


I found a great recipe in the Brendan Brazier book “Thrive Fitness”!  I will be making these tonight and hope to update tomorrow.

What about the wheat sprouts I dried?  I will have to update with my pictures tomorrow, however for the time being, I will tell you! 🙂

First I placed the DRIED the wheat sprouts (Thanks to my Excalibur), I then placed the dried wheat sprouts into the Food Processor which turned into a FLOUR!  I then made a dough with the wheat flour, olive oil and sage.  From this dough I made 2 bagels, 2 pizza crusts and 1 “french” loaf.  They were in the Dehydrator for 5 hours on Sunday and another 4 hours yesterday.

I will update my pictures of culinary delights tomorrow!

In other news of the Veg888 Kitchen – CHIA!

Now yes I have spoken about Chia before, however I would like to discuss it a little more and discuss what my plans are for the next two weeks as I get ready for the 10k I hope to do on January 29, 2011.

The initial post I did regarding CHIA seed is HERE!

Chia gel causes a slow release of carbohydrates and an equally slow converting of carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar) for energy. The outer layer of chia seeds is rich in mucilloid-soluble fiber, intended to keep the seeds from drying out in desert air. When chia seeds are mixed with water or stomach juices, a gel forms that creates a physical barrier between the carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down. The carbohydrates are digested eventually, but at a slow and uniform rate. There is no insulin surge or spike needed to lower the blood sugar level after eating chia.

I am hoping to do at least 12 races this year.  Maybe one a month.  Not all 5k and 10k’s.  There is a 13.1 Half Marathon hosted by Disneyland in Anaheim.  That seems quite interesting to me.  Least a fun filled day! 🙂 Although known as the happiest place on earth…it will be the most tiring place on earth that day! 🙂  I am sure there are many PARENTS who feel that at the end of the day with their KIDS! Am I right?

I’m just really trying to be fit and centered. Whew!  That is always a challenge, however it is one that I am up and ready to do!

I ran on Sunday.  38 minutes for the usual course.  1 minute off of the New Years time and 3 minutes OFF of the desired time.  I will hope to add .25 miles each day until next Wednesday.  The race falls on a Saturday and I am hoping to be up to 4-5 miles by then.  Considering that the race is a 6 mile race, I certainly should be ready! 😛 (Fingers Crossed!)

I didn’t run last night since I had to get some paperwork ready for my taste tester.  He needed to be ready and out the door by 8am so we were in bed pretty early! (least early for us!)

I will run this evening and update tomorrow!

Love and Light!
