It has been a long process to get to this point in my postings.


That being said…I sometimes wonder if the name VEG888 keeps viewers from finding this blog, if the subject matter keeps people from commenting, or maybe people just don’t like it…

I am hoping you have arrived here because you are on a journey to heal  your body or maybe looking for some healthy options and/or information.  However you ended up here at the VEG888 Blog I welcome you!

I will however continue to dedicate my time to ALL SUBJECT MATTER ABOVE! 🙂

On to health…

I have said it before and I will say it again. If you talk to people about their diet or their God you will receive some level of hostility.

The internet is alive with all of the stories and commentaries regarding Paula Deen and her Type 2 diabetes.  

Ok Yeah the woman is going to become ill with her general menu she shares with everyone.  However, no one is a victim here.  Each time she took in a sweet butter cake, each time she ate whatever it is she cooks and shares with the public she made a deal with disease.  She made this deal WAY BEFORE her unscrupulous deal with the pharmaceutical company she is supporting! 

This woman is literally full of… well I think you know what the next word was going to be!  Taking a pill for a problem is not the solution.  I tweeted the other day a quote I had found while researching Kombucha.  “The prevention of disease is better than the cure.”  And that is sooo true. 

Lots of delectable treats out there with refined sugars, eggs and dairy.

Whatever refined Sugar is mixed with becomes ONE of the secret killers in society.  

I’m not talking about dates, fruits, honey, etc.  I am talking about soda, candy, juices from concentrate and colored and sweetened waters, cakes, pies, cookies, breads, and anything manufactured with chemicals.

Holidays are infamous for extra pounds and feeling full along with feeling bloated. I suppose at times the psyche of “It’s a celebration!” or “It is just around the holidays and then I will start new over the new year!” set in.

Truth be told.  It is a killer.  90% of diseases begin in the belly! 

Work ethic and physical laziness are two very different modes.  I think society confuses them at times.  Simply Paul Deen is lazy.  Taking a pharmaceutical pill for her type 2 diabetes is lazy! 

Now, the woman has built an empire selling her delectable treats and all her other “products”.  In order for her to have built this empire, she has some form of work ethic.  My question is: Will she take the Peta Vegan Challenge to heal her body?  As much as I hate to see someone ill, if you have been informed of a kinder road to follow and you totally dismiss it…

There are so many instances at this point which would show her there are options.  Don’t be lazy Paula! Fix it with food, fix it with herbs and definitely EXERCISE!  Come on!  You don’t wake up with weight gain and disease.  It occurs over time!

I cannot say that anyone should place too much condemnation on the woman for having Diabetes.  We are all guilty of various bad behaviors.  We are all guilty of not always making the best call for our bodies.

My taste tester always says…”Don’t point fingers at anyone, because there will be 3 pointing right back at you!”  I found that to be true!  So I will not condemn her.  Some say she should have been more honest.  Some say she should have said something earlier. But realistically is it anyones business?  

All in all her health is her business…and much more of a business than ever before!  I think the only way to fall into positive grace with the public would be to do the vegan challenge and heal herself!  Return the money and LIVE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!  Drop the butter and the fat Paul Deen! Embrace vegetables.  Embrace all of the different forms of information out there.  See the RAW for 30 days video! 

Can I have someones opinion out there? 🙂 That is all I would like to say about Paula Deen.  I just had to get that out there!

Onto Race Day Morning Treats…

The evening before the race I had broccoli and mushrooms with some spicy tomato sauce and a good 5 hours of sleep.  I admit I would have liked to have slept longer, but I wasn’t able to since we had company.  I must say having the kids at the house is a delight so it was well worth it! (Thumbs up)

Before we got to the race I drank water and a Blackberry Chia.

After the race I enjoyed a wonderful Coconut Mango Mama Chia, a Yoga Bar and a RAW Spirulina Bar!  They were great!  I also tried the new Kombucha Chia Drink by GT’s.  That was absolutely DIVINE!

 Have you tried a great energy bar you think I should try?

Well it is 10 days until the Chinese Firecracker Race and I am totally excited!!! The hill leading up to Dodger Stadium is my goal to conquer!

Thanks for reading!

Love and Light!
