Archive for November, 2009

Entering the transitional menu is probably the easiest.  The transitional menu does not require you to be so strict that it completly rids you of certain options.

Once you have turned to a Vegan diet, a raw diet, or an Ital Diet options become a bit more difficult, but completely do able.


Mexican – Beans, rice, quesadillas, gucamole, tortillas, salsa, salads, Vegetarian Burritos or Tacos.  (Some restaurants carry Soy products but most don’t! 😦 – Make sure to ask if they use animal lard (monteca) or oil. If the restaurant uses monteca there really isn’t anything you could eat there.  Your best bet is another restaurant.

Italian– All the pastas, no meat pizzas, and mozzarella/tomato/basil plates.  Make sure the sauces have no meat, and inquire if the marinara has chicken broth.

Any Asiatic Themed Food – Chinese, Indian, Thai, Vietnemese, etc.  Most of these restaurants already are familiar with a vegetarian menu.  In fact there is usually a specific place on the menus for vegetables/vegetarian menu.  There are options with or without fish sauce.  There are also many oyster sauce additions when it comes to Thai food as well.  Since religious sects are the reason for tofu options on the menu, I would suggest telling the waitress you are a vegetarian.  They usually are quite understanding of this notation and they will be more than happy to make note of it to the cook.

American Cuisine – Grilled Cheese, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetables, Salad, Veggie Burgers

Once you make the decision to make changes to your diet it will become easier and easier each day.  Intially you will have some obstacles.  Just don’t give up.  Everything takes time.  When I initially made the transition myself it was easy since I had such a fabulous support group.   If you don’t like cooking, google your self to all the vegetarian/vegan type of restaurants in your area.  Become a food critic.  Keep a diary and become involved in your diet.  It is supposed to be an enjoyable experience.  Be thankful and kind. You are doing the best possible thing you can for yourself!!

If there are any instances where you would like to eat meat or any meat derived product then I would say you might as well.  This is not to be a punishment or anything like that.   This simply means you truly have not made a true commitment to do so.

Commit.  Find the power you have within you and I know you will see and experieince glorious things in your life.

This is the most popular “recipe” people like to make when beginning middle to late age.

Serves 2+


3 large cups of 11th hour

2 cups of inexperience

1/4 cup bad health

1/4 cup fear

1/2 cup wishful thinking/ideal thoughts

1/2 cup  ego

1 tsp ingnorance

Process all of the ingredients in one or two brains.  You will have enough disater to meet you head on.

This recipe serves two or more.  It is enough to lose the battle of your illness and literally your life.


This is what I am continually finding.

Whenever I receive a call from a prospective client it is usually the same situation.  I would like to drop weight, eat a better diet since my doctor told me to and I would like to try a vegetarian diet, I am trying to make some changes in my life.

This is how the recipe for disaster begins.

When I am intaking a new client there are a series of questions I ask for some serious reasons.

1) Why are you needing these services?

2) Do you eat meat regularly?

3) Do you have any aversions to any type of vegetable or fruit?

4) What is your current health condition?

5) Are you contacting me, because you were told you have to make a change?

All of these questions will guide me how to best help the person.  For those that are only doing it beacause they have to it is a HUGE job.  A job that can only be completed by 80% of positive and open mindedness of the client.  Anything else just will not work.  Making this change has to be beacause you want to.  Not beacuse you have to.  Anything that is done with this psyche will fail.  The change is monumentus if you are a regular SAD eater. (Standard American Diet)

However, if you look at this as a direct manifestation of what you have been doing in life and it is time for a change then success will be reached.

Getting Bored! Overwhelmed?

Chapter 3

So.  For those of you out there in California – Los Angeles to be specific, you are in luck!  For cooking classes, Recipes, Advice and plain out acceptance and love ~ Contact Me! I will be happy to help you if I can!

For those of you who are not in Los Angeles, my advice to you is start looking anywhere you can to find delicious recipes.  I always found it interesting to “Veganize” a recipe.  My latest endeavor is to “Raw-ize” recipes.  I was looking at my monthly Bon Apetit mag this weekend.  This was an obsession for the last 2 years. Veganizing recipes from the Gourmet & Bon Apetit mags.  Soy meat helps at times.  This is an example on what you can do to get ideas.  For those of you who aren’t in the habit of cooking – find a cook to deliver organic meals to your door.  I only offer this service to those in the Los Angeles County~for now.  I have to wait unitl My Beloved tells me what my next step is.  For now, it is to help all of you make a change in your life.  Whatever we put in our temple should be healthy and delicious!

Depending on where you are and what you feel comfortable with:

1)Try Craiglist,2) Green People or search for other websites that offer local health concious services.

Your local health food store should be your primary resource.  Try to find a small business rather that a corporate health food store.  (That is just me being me.  Remembering to support the small biz owner) Health food store will have lots of information for you.  Most of the health food stores I have been to have food prepared on the spot.  Maybe frequent this place for awhile and try eating their meals.  Some meals can be expensive, others can be a reasonably good deal.  Just check it out.  Feel the energy!  Once you make this change in your life, the energy of healing and love will follow you.  Just be open to it and there will be some beautiful things that arise! 😉

If you have a signifigent other who is less than thrilled about this latest change in your life then check it out – YOU ARE MAKING THIS CHANGE FOR YOU! NO ONE ELSE!  Attempt to involve them.  Don’t however try to change them.  They won’t make the change for the proper reason and eventually there will be a problem.  If you are cooking, share the meal.  Make it an enjoyable experience.  Maybe use the opportunity to really make the evening nice.  Deck out the table, get a nice wine to pair with the meal, etc.

What if I don’t have support?  What if someone makes fun of me?  What am I going to eat? Am I going to be hungry all of the time?

Intitially you will have a lot of questions.  That is normal.  Not knowing what is out there.  Not knowing what to make.  These are all something everyone goes through.  At the time I made my transition from a meat based diet I was lucky enough to have a few people in my life that were a great support group.  Although from all different walks of life, they were still in my life on a daily basis.  I was 19 years old and ready to take on the world~or so I thought!

So the first thing you want to do is look at your list.  Is the list comprised of ingredients over dishes?  or Vice versa? How do you feel about vegetables?

Once you answer these questions you can dictate what direction this path is going to lead you.

There are many avenues you can take.  Extreme or not – you have options.  I personally made a list of all my favorite dishes.  At the time I wasn’t as open to certain vegetables or ingredients.  I was pretty narrow minded.

I put my list in the kitchen.  I thought about the different ingredients they all had in them.  What they tasted like and what they included.  I began to notice that many of the ingredients were easy to change.

Example: My list comprised of Fajitas, Lasagna, Chow Mein, Hot Dogs with Chili Beans, Cheeseburgers, Pizza, Quesadillas with Chicken and Green Chilies, Enchiladas.  So I set about making all the vegetarian options of these dishes.  I figured I had to get used to working with different ingredients for this purpose.  The most obvious was soy meat, TVP, and a product by a company names Quorn.

The soy meat products were:

1)Morning Start Products

2) TVP – (Textured Vegetable Protein)

3) Quorn – Mushroom based meat alternative.

Yes.  Meat Alternative.  That is what these are essentially.  I always have these options on my different menus for the month.  Not everyone is on the Intermediate, Advanced, and Raw diet all at once.  It is a step.  Then another step.  It will take some time, but with the help of this information you will be successful in reaching your goal.  You can also email me or comment on any of the blogs and I will be happy to respond.

Note to you 6 months to a year later:  You will need to push yourself a bit harder.  You will need to further your diet beyond soy products of any kind.  All of the processed soy can be hard for the digestion.  Of course it is better than any meat product, it is still a good idea to graduate to the next level.  That is not to say that you shouldn’t ever eat it or drop it completly; it’s just time to step it up!


Beginner ~ Intermediate ~ Advanced ~ Raw

Listed above are the most obvious steps to change the structure of your diet.

Becoming a vegetarian first and formost must be a solid decision YOU make.  Although it may seem difficult at times and uncomprehensible – it is POSSIBLE.  Many times in our lives we think that there are certain impossibilities.  I am a firm believer in the impossible.  The only thing standing in your way is yourself.  Is your mind open?  Is your heart dedicated to the task at hand?  Remeber, everything takes time.  Having a child, growing a plant, raising a pet, etc.  Anything that is alive takes time to flourish.  It is no different for you.

I could tell you all kinds of statistic regarding why you should become a vegetarian.  I could tell you the same for vegan and raw food.  But it is unrealistic for me to do that.  Make the decision to not eat meat based on your own findings and your own desire to love yourself and your temple.  Your soul is bound by your breathe.  As long as your breath flows throughout your body you are alive.  You have developed into the person you have become by experiences in life.  Some good – some bad.  They are all necessary.

I hope that you will love your body temple and keep it clean.  Part of that is the transition into a cleaner way of eating and living.

The first step to making the change is simple.  CUT OUT ALL MEAT!  As simple as that may seem, it is difficult for some.  Please remember your mind must make the change.  The desire to see this through must enter your sub-concious mind.  (More on that later!)

If the very idea of NO MEAT seems crazy, then I would say begin with 2 or 3 days a week.  If you are making the decision and would like to be a little more intense about your efforts, then I would say 4 – 5 days a week.

In addition to these steps I would encourage you to do a detox.  (Depending on your age).  There are several ways to do this.  Eiether by using a detox product or by fasting on juices.

If using a detox product, please make sure the product is ALL ORGANIC.  I support the Renew Life company.  I have a list of their products that are completly vegetarian and which ones are completly vegan.  Please email me if you would like to know what is what.  I sell the 7 day Rapid Cleanse Detox, Heavy Metal Cleanse, Para Gone Cleanse and many more to come.  Please email me if you are interested in purchasing any of these products.


Chapter 1

What do I eat once I make the change?

First – Make a list of all your favorite foods.  Weather by country or ingredient.

Second – Figure out if there is an alternative vegetarian source for your old favorite!

For example: Growing up in our household Chorizo was a favorite every Saturday or Sunday.  My mother would make Chorizo and Eggs and wrap it in a tortilla for me.  She always had to change the meal for me somehow.  I didn;t like it if I saw too much food on the plate or if I focused on the way that it looked for too long.  I was pretty finicky!  But it makes me happy to think of those lazy mornings.  She was a great Mom.  She always made sure we were fed and clean.  She never let a day go by without hugging us at least 10 times ! (Love You Mom!)  Anyway, the company El Burrito makes a wonderful Chorizo product that is 100% vegetarian!  There are a few different products made by this company.  When I initially began my trek up the mountain of great health I started here.  I figured, well if I enjoy what I’m eating then it really won’t be that difficult? Right? RIGHT! (I will be posting recipes at a later date, they will be their own supplemental chapters.) 😉

Third – Explore new territory!  Haven’t tried Indian food?  Haven’t tried Thai Food?  Get ready to try lots of different foods you may not have tried before!  Historicly there are many cultures who have a 100% vegetarian diet.  India, China, Thailand, Vietnam, etc.  There are also various faiths who support a vegetarian diet – Buddhism, Hinduism, The Church of Latter Day Saints, Mormons, etc.

Fourth – Remember that no meat includes various products being cut out of your diet.  Why?  Beacuse there is no sense in not eating meat and then putting something in your body that has beef fat, pork fat, etc. You can find a list of these ingredieant and some examples of what they are in here.

RAW Beet Sorbet

In my neverending quest to try recipes, (RAW specifically), I found this interesting recipe. As usual I found it on my favorite web site Gone Raw

When I initially came across this one, it seemed somewhat strange! BEET SORBET???


Wow! Doesn’t that ring true!!!

The recipe below belongs to:Gone Raw and was
submitted by Jaimie on October 18, 2009


2-3 large beets, sliced and soaked overnight

8-10 mint leaves

juice of half a lemon

1 dessert spoon of honey or agave nectar or 2 dates

2 tbsp coconut meat

2 tbsp coconut juice

1 cup water


blend all ingredients until very smooth, add more water if necessary.


blend again before serving.

Beets Sorbet - Step 1

Step 1

This was the first step. I placed everything in the food processor and let it mix really well.

*The next time, I think I will strain the mixture at this point of preparation. I think it will rid the dish of the pulp that was in the sorbet. It wasn't bad, I just think it would be nicer if it was smoother.

Beet Sorbet - Step 2

Mixture ready for the Freezer!

I placed the mixture in a ceramic bowl. I figured it would freeze faster this way. I allowed it to freeze for 2+ hours.

Beet Sorbet - Step 3

Partially Frozen and Out of the Freezer!!!

This is what it looked like out of the freezer!

Beet Sorbet - Step 4

Frozen mixture right before serving!

The next step was to blend the frozen mixture and then serve!

Beet Sorbet - Last step

Final Step!!!

TA DA!!! Yummy! Very Delicious!!! This was throughly satisfying! It was sweet and it felt so healing on my throat and inside my tummy! It was also very relaxing! A great treat any time! If you want something to cleanse the palate after an extremely rich meal, anytime the weather is sticky or just really hot!

Continue reading

Sundaze Cooking – 11/01/09

Yesterday was my usual cooking day.  I tried a new recipe however.  It is from an unknown source of a whole food cookbook.  I will update the title and give credit where credit is due later…

jars 110109

Although Blurry - Very Delicious!

~Menu ~

Sunday November 1, 2009

Red Quinoa with Hempseeds

White Bean Black Olive Soup

Lentil Stew

White  Bean Rosemary Barley Soup (Recipe Follows)

1 cup uncooked pearl barley
3 cups water
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 cup chopped yellow onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary
1 cup chopped yellow bell pepper
2 tablespoons white wine
1 (15.5 ounce) can white beans, drained and rinsed
2 cups fresh spinach
1 pinch red pepper flakes

Bring the barley and water to a boil in a pot. Cover, reduce heat to
low, and simmer 30 minutes, or until tender.
Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat, and cook the onion
and garlic until tender. Season with rosemary. Mix the yellow bell
pepper, and wine into the pot, and cook 5 minutes. Stir in the cooked
barley, beans, and spinach. Season with red pepper flakes. Continue
cooking 10 minutes, or until spinach is wilted.

Instead of making 5 dishes this weekend, I only made 4.  There was so much of the Barley Soup that there was no need for a fifth dish.  I did continue to shred the beets, carrots, and zucchini for the salads.  I always like this type of salad.  It is almost like a “Forever Young” salad.  All of the vitamins and minerals that are in these veggies.  Here is some information on those veggies below!

Beets ~ Bit of History



The Beet


The beets belong to the same family as chard and spinach.  Beet leaves have a bitter taste like chard, but is rich in chlorophyll.  Although bitter, the greens have a higher nutritional value than its roots.

Both beet root and beet greens are very powerful cleansers and builders of the blood.  Betacyanin is the phytochemical in beet that gives it its rich ‘amethyst’ color that significantly reduces homocysteine levels.

Beets are loaded with vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C.  The greens have a higher content of iron compared to spinach.  They are also an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, sodium and iron.

While the sweet beet root has some of the minerals in its greens to a lesser degree, it is also a remarkable source of chlorine, folic acid, iodine, manganese, organic sodium, potassium, fiber and carbohydrates in the form of natural digestible sugars.

Its iron content, though not high, is of the highest and finest quality that makes excellent food that is blood building.  This renders it highly effective in treating many ailments caused by our toxic environment and surrounding.

Carrots – Nutritive Information

Bunch of Carrots



No other vegetable or fruit contains as much carotene as carrots, which the body converts to vitamin A. This is a truly versatile vegetable and an excellent source of vitamins B and C as well as calcium pectate, an extraordinary pectin fibre that has been found to have cholesterol-lowering properties.

The carrot is an herbaceous plant containing about 87% water, rich in mineral salts and vitamins (B,C,D,E).   Raw carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A and potassium; they contain vitamin C, vitamin B6, thiamine, folic acid, and magnesium.

Cooked carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, a good source of potassium, and contain vitamin B6, copper, folic acid, and magnesium. The high level of beta-carotene is very important and gives carrots their distinctive orange colour.

Carrots also contain, in smaller amounts, essential oils, carbohydrates and nitrogenous composites. They are well-known for their sweetening, antianaemic, healing, diuretic, remineralizing and sedative properties.
In order to assimilate the greatest quantity of the nutrients present in carrots, it is important to chew them well – they are the exception to the rule – they are more nutritious cooked than raw. -World Carrot Museum

Carrots contain elements that keep us healthy on many levels.

The 3 most important elements are Beta-carotene, Alpha Carotene, and Phytochemicals.

From those 3 elements, carrots benefit our bodies by:

  • Boosting immunity (especially among older people).
  • Reducing photosensitivity (beta-carotene protects the skin from sun damage).
  • Improving symptoms of HIV.
  • Easing alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
  • Helping to heal minor wounds and injuries.
  • Reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Reducing the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Cleansing the liver, and when consumed regularly, can help the liver excrete fats and bile.
  • Fighting bronchitis.
  • Fighting infection (vitamin A keeps cell membranes healthy, making them stronger against disease-causing microorganisms)
  • Improving muscle, flesh, and skin health.
  • Helping fight aneamia.
  • Reducing acne.
  • Improving eye health.

Zucchini – Nutritional Information



Zucchini is represented by several named varieties (cultivars). Fruits of this member of the Italian marrow squashes grow most commonly in cylindrical shapes, but also in round and intermediate shapes. Fruit color varies from a green so dark as to be near black, to lighter shades of green both with and without stripes, all the way to tones of yellow. Many are highlighted with various degrees of speckling.

The zucchini vegetable is low in calories (approximately 15 food calories per 100 g fresh zucchini) and contains useful amounts of folate (24 mcg/100 g), potassium (280 mg/100 g) and vitamin A (384 IU [115 mcg]/100 g. 1/2 cup of zucchini also contains 19% of the recommended amount of manganese.

I wanted to add the nutritional information about these (3) vegetables since they are so important to our bodies.  Especially the beets and carrots!!!