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Hello Blog – Hello Readers!

I have not been here as I should have been…Visiting you and checking in…

But I will be one year older tomorrow.  This means a new FACET to the jewel of life.  May it be shining and fully illuminated when I leave this earth and travel to the next dimension!  One new facet is sure to elevate the content NEW adventures and in turn this blog! 🙂

Here is a quick list and info session on what I have been up since I last posted…

1) I have completed a RAW 7 DAY CLEANSE.  This cleanse was very interesting.  It is a 3 part system you take daily.  In the Morning you take a probiotic powder.  Pur the powder in your mouth, swish it around for 45 seconds and swallow.  Follow up with some herbal supplements to cleanse your organs and in the evening a powdered elixir with water, and more herbal supplements. NEXT CLEANSE: A Liver Cleanse.  I pinned the cleanse on my clipboard via Pinetrest.

2) I have continued running, though I must say the frequency needs to change.  Sticking to one program is not in my forseeable future, but rather a nice rhythm.  I tend to work rhythmically rather rath by a strict schedule.  What about you?  Accountability to a general list is great, but I must face the fact that I will not live forever and I really need to have a better handle of that silly thing called TIME… I cannot believe I am going to be the ripe age of 38 and there is so much I feel I can still do! 🙂  I am hopeful and positive about the future.  I love people. I do

n’t want to harm anyone.  I only wish to spread love, yoga and running in the world with some delicious snacks and foodie kindness 😉 Which leads me into …

3)  I have been busy in the kitchen the last few weeks.  I have made both RAW and COOKED dishes while I was on the cleanse and even now.  Going out to eat is far to difficult at this point!  I wish I could share at the moment but alas…I am still without a camera and have not been able to find the time to get a new one. Which if you have any suggestions that would be great! (Thumbs up!)  I usually like to read reviews and make the best choice by both reviews and online shopping to maximize my dollar. But again..and happily there has not been a lot of time for internet surfing!

4) It always seemed like it was my Moms job to keep everything together. She managed a household around my sister, my father and I.  She was amazing and still is.  Everything was sooo organized ALL OF THE TIME.  I used to think that was because she was MOM and they all did that stuff. WRONG! The amount of planning she had to have had on her mind is CRAZY! And she had two children.  Actually THREE if you include my father…HA HA (Just kidding Daddy 🙂  Growing up and maintaining my own household with my tastetester without children (unless his are visiting which is always a JOY!) is hard enough! Of course I could reason it out like my business is a child, but really it isn’t.  I suppose these are things I hope to get better at as I age.  Things are not an ENTIRE MESS but they can be SO MUCH B.E.T.T.E.R! Kudos to all the MOMS out there who maintain the home and carry on with their careers! You guys are amazing! Especially when I see you guys in a race in shape and pushing a stroller and your pregnant!

5) I am looking for an ALL FEMALE race to complete this year. Woman are amazing to me and so beautiful for so many reasons.  Unfortunately I don;t always see the woman around me as impressed with each other.  I think woman need to be a little more supportive of each other…rather than hating or glaring at each other.  Woman have enough problems gaining equality in a bit of a chauvinistic world and we wast time and energy being mean to each other.  I also think that woman need to respect themselves a bit more when it comes to relationships.  If we are not happy within and have no plan for ourselves then we cannot have a successful relationship with anybody. Not our boyfriend’s, wives, significant other and most importantly OURSELVES…LOVE YOURSELF LADIES!  Sorry, I digress…I would like to find an all woman race that supports the empowerment of woman.  Not an illness but maybe a shelter or something. Any information out there would be much appreciated!

6) I would like to have better dialog with you.  Please leave comments or email me regarding anything you see on the blog or anything you would like to see on this blog!

And finally,

7) I have found myself reading more and more!  Falling in love with Sculpture, cooking, FOOD TRAVELS and most importantly food and health and their connection to each other! In the weeks I have last written I have read “THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY” – biographical novel about Michelangelo, “A YEAR IN PROVENCE” – Peter Mayer’s journey to Provence, ” Naked Came I” – A biographical novel about Rodin, “FRENCH KIDS EAT EVERYTHING” – A womans journey to France for one year with her children and all of the FOOD FAUX PAS she encounters, “LOSING VIRGINITY” – Muellers journey to Italy and beyond in search of pure olive oil and what is actually being used here in the USA and beyond.  Love to read, love that there are FOODIES in the world and LOVE LIBRARIES AND BOOKS!

Thank you for reading this post and visiting this blog.  Whomever you are out there.  Just know that there are never any highs without lows, you will never be happy 100% of the time but you will find happiness is you love yourself within.


The – Veg 888 – Blogger

Hello Readers – Hello Bloggers – Hello Runners and Yogis!

How does this fine day find you?  I hope you are well!  Remember to drink some fresh juice and take a series of long breathes!  It can do a world of good for your psyche and you blood!

How am I?  Alright.  I have this wonderful new season to make discoveries about myself and the world! 🙂

Races are WERE coming along fine….

I registred for a race, showed up on the wrong day and still ran the course.  I have no idea why I thought the March Mardi Gras Madness was on Sunday when it was on Saturday. 

Ugh!  Santa Clarita/Valencia is about 45 minutes away from home!   I was a bit pissed!  A REAL BUMMER!  I still ran the course and clocked it in as a day of running rather than a day of racing.  The only regret about this is…I looked forward to this race ALL YEAR!  It was my fastest 5k time last year! UGH! So now I have to wait until NEXT year to see my performance on THAT course! Which breaks me into a PR time ramble

PR Times

I have an issue when I hear people say they hit a PR. 

My opinion —> You can really only have a PR per race/course. 

For example: If you have been running races that are hilly and clocking in @ let’s say 30 minutes…

You run another race and you clock in at 27 minutes.  Some may say this is their PR since it is the fastest time.  But what if the race was a flat straight course or you were able to take advantage of a downhill.  Then you really don’t have a PR, you just have a faster time based on the course.

However the next year you run the initial 30 minute race again and you do it in 22 minutes. Well then you have a PR for THAT SPECIFIC RACE.  Right?

Back to races… 

I also forfeited running the “Grunion Run” this year. While I did and do enjoy races at the beach, I just could not see driving an hour or more to Dana Point this year.  My taste tester has been on a bit of a roller coaster ride regarding his health, I stayed home with him and we had great meals, laughs and a surprising but restful time change this year.


I took a MUCH NEEDED day off from the shop on Monday!

After running some errands and attempting to figure out what move I needed to make about my digital camera at our local BEST BUY, I ended up with no camera and some new running shoes!

I was about to purchase the Lunar Eclipse Model by Nike, when my taste tester appeared with some pretty light (weight wise) and VERY Happening (color wise) shoes called the Saucouny Kinvara 2’s.  He also had a pair of the Shadow Gensis in his hand and told me to try them on. 

Now prior I had been VERY skeptical about Saucony as a brand.  I had a pair about 10+ years back and absolutly them.  Since then I haven’t even looked in the direction of a Saucony display. My mind changed on Monday.

Saucony Kinvara 2

These shoes are some nice light and comfortable shoes.  They feel like I can run right out the door!  No fussing with breaking them in, etc!  They feel fast! 🙂

The next pair of shoes I bought are called..

Saucony – Shadow Genesis

Although these are not the shoes I purchase re: COLOR, this is the style.  I chose these specificaly for hill work.  i am feeling the need to do hill work.  I notice that there are always hills in a race. Granted some more than others.  Anyway, as I was saying I notice that most people slow down in a race when the hills arise…so that seems the moment to take it to the next level in the race and come in strong! I feel that I need to take my running a bit more seriously.  Even if it means I need to wake up earlier.  (Cringe) 

I am sure if I was a an athelete and that is ALL I had to do I would be just fine.  But the reality is that I am a runner on the side and small business owner by day.  I am not complaining, just saying.  Got to organize my schedule and life for what arises. Just be better.  More mature! Adulthood comes with it’s own growing pains I think!

Latest Running Food…

The SUMO Tangerine!

This delectable treat had done wonders for me! Eating it makes me happy happy happy. It is so sweet and bright! ALL NATURAL and absolutely divine. These babies are only available until the end of March here in California! Enjoy them alone or in a Citurs and Avocado smoothie!


For more information about this WONDERFUL FRUIT visit sippitysup!

Thanks for Reading!

SHOUT OUT TO DESIREE DAVILA!  Desiree will be running the NYC Half Marathon this weekend! Send her WINNING ENERGY!  This wonderful woman is prepping for her Olympic Debut in London this summer!  Desiree if you ever read this – Remember: YOU ARE THE BOMB! 🙂


Races Coming Up: Santa Anita Derby Day 5k, CATS 10k @ Lake Balboa and hopefully 2 more are in my near future! Know of an LA based race?  Let me know! 🙂


Patience is: the bearance of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like. and Yogic philosophy is always calm, present and aware. 

Although we practice the asanas/poses we don’t always practice the philosophy.  Staying in the moment , being calm and aware is not always the way we live.  It is so easy to forget being in the moment.  It is easy not to be calm.

There are times when I am in such earnest to reach a goal, that I forget to enjoy the journey of meeting the goal. 

This last week has been difficult and this week will be a very BIG TEST for me.  A test of patience and a week to truly practice AHIMSA.

I have spoken about Ahimsa -or- the love for all living beings.  I must remember that this includes myself. 

My taste tester suffers from migraines.  Usually they will last about 4 days and then pass.  Unfortunately not this time.  We are on day 28 of  a cluster-migraine episode.  At times it hits him and he is in bed for most of the day in pain.  Other times he is able to function normally.  He can get out of bed, he can do various things he usually does, and although he still has a headache, he is able to get through the day. 

The health of my taste tester is important, as is my own health.  It is difficult to be at the store all day and then go home and nurse a bit of a grouchy taste tester at night.  But this is what brings me back to realizing that all of this is a journey.  A journey to find a balance between sickness and wellness.  A journey to pack everything into a day that needs to get done and hoping that other things can wait.

Time for the mat to come out and really align my energy.  I have been working through poses the eve before a long morning run, or practicing poses to open my hips and stretch my hamstrings in preparation of a run.  I am totally afraid of an injury.

Maybe the injury I am worried about most are the injuries I carry in my mind.  The days have become difficult to ease through.  Most of the time I find myself wondering what I can do and what I can add to both my diet and my life to find peace and stillness. 

Running helps tremendously.  Usually the realizations that come to mind while I am running make me happy and I am filled with thought and awareness.  Just then a bad behavior or a bad energy usually interjects at that moment and I allow it to hinder my growth.  That is where the definition of patience is.  Being able to not allow any hinderance of my life.  physically, Mentally and Spiritually. 

And then all at one I can hear the word “BREATHE” ring in!  Breathe and stay focus, calm and aware!

“C’mon ladies let’s get through this race!”  I yelled as we approached heart Rate Hill.  “Don’t give up! Keep it going!  Let’s do this!” I surprised myself as I heard my voice.  It was the first time I have ever done that  and I must say it felt great to encourage the ladies around me!

I ran the Brea 8k this weekend.  It was a delightful race!  That probably sounds crazy, but it is true!  I really enjoyed my experience, but I feel as though I could have and should have pushed myself!  I was so convinced that I would injure myself.  I feel stupid about it now, but lets hope this weekend will be even better!  It is time for the Mardi Gras 5k in Valencia again! 🙂

This year the course changed and I totally didn’t think Heart rate hill was as difficult as last year.  Sooo that is positive.  What is negative..I was 2 mins slower than last year which I really don’t understand, other than my own thoughts in my head.  My left groin has been tighter than usual so I am trying to be careful…maybe too careful.

I have recently been trying different supplements to aid my runs.  I tried the vega gel.  That only makes me feel like I want to go to the bathroom.  Something you definitely don’t want while you are in the middle of a 5 mile race and it is barely 2.2 miles in…Need I say More?  I think not! 🙂

By the time I came down the final stretch headed toward the finish line, I felt great.  The urgency to go to the bathroom faded to tolerable and I felt as though I probably could have run faster and about 3 or 4 more miles if not for that small issue…I felt great. Least until I saw my time.  But I will let than one go.  It’s just my ego messing with me anyway.

What does GI Joe say? “Knowing is half the battle?” 🙂

So how are things for you out there in the blog-o-sphere???

Thanks for reading!


There are a few races I am preparing for. 

The first is the Chinatown Firecracker Race…It is Year of the Dragon…seems as though this promises to be a year that is on FIRE!  This race is followed by the Brea 8k – February 26, 2012! The race that will present itself with HEART RATE HILL! Ugh!

Last year The Chinatown Firecracker race totally surprised me and took my wind the initial first mile and a half of the race!  You can read that experience HERE

Well not this year!  I am going to be ready!  I am soooo excited about it!  I keep visualizing it over and over again.  Let’s just hope they don’t change the course!  I had said that I wouldn’t do this race again.  All year I kept thinking about the race and how the hill was a challenging one!  I didn;t like the way that felt!  So as anyone who is happy to take a challenge, I am running this race AGAIN!  I am hoping to have a better time.  I think I should do a bit better.  I feel like my running is stronger this year.  But let’s see how this goes on Sunday…

Here is my bib and fancy Dragon T-shirt set for tomorrow!

All I have been running are hills for the last 7 days!  Up hill, Up hill, Up hill!  The new 2012 course my taste tester and I made has been working out wonderfully.  Quite honestly that hill kicked my butt last year!  All races that I am repeating in 2012 were all positive experiences, however the Firecracker race is more of a “I SHALL CONQUER!” type of race. 🙂

I completed 7 days in a row of more than a 5k distance uphill and I am happy. 

There are a few things I have changed this year!  1) I have been running during the day.  I have happily been able to experience the opportunity to see so much of the city I normally miss.  I see so many wonderful birds throughout my run and I love it.  I hope everyone has the opportunity to enjoy birds.  (Can you believe there is a company dedicated to having bird free zones?  How horrible is that!) With the onset of global warming and air pollution I worry about generations to come…

As I was running this last week, I kept thinking about the Pepperdine Coastal race.  I remember hitting mile 2 vividly!  The reason it was so vivid?  The 10kers were passing me at such an accelerated pace it was wild!  One day Veg Blogger…One day you will be faster!

I saw the most divine and gorgeous peacocks.  They were feeding and flying into pine trees all along the route!  One of the best things about living in Arcadia are the peacocks and the parrots! 🙂  They call out and are so alive.  It is amazing to see how much life can truly be a beautiful experience.  Sometimes as individuals we forget to be thankful for what we do have.

I am thankful for a roof over my head, a wonderful city to live in and the opportunity to experience my body and all that it is capable of each time I run, eat great food and am happy to say thank you for another day of being alive!

Depression can effect many people out there in this world of ours and there is FREEDOM from such a mind set.  Raw Foods, excercise and meditation can really make ALL the difference in the world.  How many of us actually take the time to do those things? I would imagaine the percentage is low! 

The revolution begins with what we put in our mouths and what we do with the opportunites we are given each day.  Each day we have the opportunity to be kind and loving. Each day we have the opportunity to live life to it’s fullest. 

Look at the moon the next time you feel depressed.  If it is full than you know, IF you have been hanging around here that the parasites are alive and well within!  Grt rid of them and I guarantee there will be a BIG CHANGE!  I write about parasites alot and have been doing more and more research regarding things horrible mongers!  If you are interested in what I am saying, then look up the posts Recipe for Illness Part 1, 2 and 3! or START HERE!

If you take care of your body..Your body will take care of you!

I have eaten more fruit this week than I have in awhile and i can really feel a difference in my sleep, running, and yoga.  I can place my body into various asanas (positions) a bit easier and I am quite thankful for that!  Yoga is my saving grace when it comes to running!  The more alkaline, the easier it should be for me to reach my goals!

I have also been enjoying quite a bit of these…

Thanks for Reading!

Wish me luck.  By this time tomorrow I will be celebrating my sisters birthday at her favorite Indian Restaurant!


It has been a long process to get to this point in my postings.


That being said…I sometimes wonder if the name VEG888 keeps viewers from finding this blog, if the subject matter keeps people from commenting, or maybe people just don’t like it…

I am hoping you have arrived here because you are on a journey to heal  your body or maybe looking for some healthy options and/or information.  However you ended up here at the VEG888 Blog I welcome you!

I will however continue to dedicate my time to ALL SUBJECT MATTER ABOVE! 🙂

On to health…

I have said it before and I will say it again. If you talk to people about their diet or their God you will receive some level of hostility.

The internet is alive with all of the stories and commentaries regarding Paula Deen and her Type 2 diabetes.  

Ok Yeah the woman is going to become ill with her general menu she shares with everyone.  However, no one is a victim here.  Each time she took in a sweet butter cake, each time she ate whatever it is she cooks and shares with the public she made a deal with disease.  She made this deal WAY BEFORE her unscrupulous deal with the pharmaceutical company she is supporting! 

This woman is literally full of… well I think you know what the next word was going to be!  Taking a pill for a problem is not the solution.  I tweeted the other day a quote I had found while researching Kombucha.  “The prevention of disease is better than the cure.”  And that is sooo true. 

Lots of delectable treats out there with refined sugars, eggs and dairy.

Whatever refined Sugar is mixed with becomes ONE of the secret killers in society.  

I’m not talking about dates, fruits, honey, etc.  I am talking about soda, candy, juices from concentrate and colored and sweetened waters, cakes, pies, cookies, breads, and anything manufactured with chemicals.

Holidays are infamous for extra pounds and feeling full along with feeling bloated. I suppose at times the psyche of “It’s a celebration!” or “It is just around the holidays and then I will start new over the new year!” set in.

Truth be told.  It is a killer.  90% of diseases begin in the belly! 

Work ethic and physical laziness are two very different modes.  I think society confuses them at times.  Simply Paul Deen is lazy.  Taking a pharmaceutical pill for her type 2 diabetes is lazy! 

Now, the woman has built an empire selling her delectable treats and all her other “products”.  In order for her to have built this empire, she has some form of work ethic.  My question is: Will she take the Peta Vegan Challenge to heal her body?  As much as I hate to see someone ill, if you have been informed of a kinder road to follow and you totally dismiss it…

There are so many instances at this point which would show her there are options.  Don’t be lazy Paula! Fix it with food, fix it with herbs and definitely EXERCISE!  Come on!  You don’t wake up with weight gain and disease.  It occurs over time!

I cannot say that anyone should place too much condemnation on the woman for having Diabetes.  We are all guilty of various bad behaviors.  We are all guilty of not always making the best call for our bodies.

My taste tester always says…”Don’t point fingers at anyone, because there will be 3 pointing right back at you!”  I found that to be true!  So I will not condemn her.  Some say she should have been more honest.  Some say she should have said something earlier. But realistically is it anyones business?  

All in all her health is her business…and much more of a business than ever before!  I think the only way to fall into positive grace with the public would be to do the vegan challenge and heal herself!  Return the money and LIVE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!  Drop the butter and the fat Paul Deen! Embrace vegetables.  Embrace all of the different forms of information out there.  See the RAW for 30 days video! 

Can I have someones opinion out there? 🙂 That is all I would like to say about Paula Deen.  I just had to get that out there!

Onto Race Day Morning Treats…

The evening before the race I had broccoli and mushrooms with some spicy tomato sauce and a good 5 hours of sleep.  I admit I would have liked to have slept longer, but I wasn’t able to since we had company.  I must say having the kids at the house is a delight so it was well worth it! (Thumbs up)

Before we got to the race I drank water and a Blackberry Chia.

After the race I enjoyed a wonderful Coconut Mango Mama Chia, a Yoga Bar and a RAW Spirulina Bar!  They were great!  I also tried the new Kombucha Chia Drink by GT’s.  That was absolutely DIVINE!

 Have you tried a great energy bar you think I should try?

Well it is 10 days until the Chinese Firecracker Race and I am totally excited!!! The hill leading up to Dodger Stadium is my goal to conquer!

Thanks for reading!

Love and Light!


Each week I make 1 simple goal to meet.  

I figure the more goals I meet, the more successful I will be in the long run. 

There are factors in my life I want to change and factors in my life I would like to encourage.  

Of course there are LONG TERM goals for the year and then there are the simple ones for the day.

Today’s goal…The PEPPERDINE COASTAL 5k

It was a beautiful day in Playa Del Rey today.  The ocean was a breathtaking sight as we drove into the parking lot. 

We were a bit fuzzy about the directions when we initially began driving toward the race, but thankfully I had written down the directions and we were soon on our way!  We got lost for about 5 minutes it ended well with us at the beach by 7:30. 

I started the 5k a bit late since I had to use the bathroom and drop off my race t-shirt at the car.  But all was well.  Since I have my Garmin I am able to keep better track than the race is.  This race is a BIB ONLY – NO CHIP race.  The course is a flat fast course for both the 5k and the 10k.  Enjoyable and since I did not do the 10k I didn’t have to worry about the smelly waste station!

I opted for the 5k since my taste tester’s children are here visiting and we didn’t want to get back too late.  We figured a 1/2 hour 5k run was better than an hour 10k for our schedule today.

I will do this race next year as well.  Throughout 2011 I found it much easier to support a race when I was behind the cause the race is raising money for! 🙂

And for my other Goals?

Well, simply put I would also like to work on my patience level…

There are 2 quotes I have on my board where I list my goals.

1) Practice grace under fire

2)Be about it…Don’t just talk about it!

Part of life is recognizing bad behaviors, habits, attitudes, etc.  

Once we recognize them we can conquer them and move on.  However, I do believe if you are not on guard ALL of the time, these bad behaviors can slip back into your life but for now let us continue…

This blog spends much of the time writing about yoga, running, vegan/vegetarian food, and overall health issues.  Today I would like to talk about hitting the RESET button to take control and begin again.

Sometimes life catches up with us on the track of life!  There are times when we think we are on track and we realize that life has looped around us!  We may be thinking that we are running together, when in fact we are ONE LAP BEHIND! Not a good scene!

When this happens, it usually means you haven’t taken a moment to just BREATHE & remember your inner self.  This is dangerous!  For you and those around you…as any new mommy will know, a sole proprietor, a secretary, an officer of the court, whomever is out there!

I recently found myself there and was really happy to find a Mantra to overcome this obstacle in life. 

I also have been burning special incense and taking in certain foods to adjust my calibration.  Sound stupid?  I don’t think so. 

When we eat LIVE RAW food we are accepting the earth and all its bounty of vitamins and minerals into our bodies. 

When we stretch and practice yoga we are moving energy around that may be stuck. 

Various breathing techniques help us liven the fire within.

When we run we are able to feel sensations of happiness, or pain.  We are able to release stress and possibly come to a decision that has been bothering us.  But more than anything we are able to take some moments to ourself and breathe!

Take at least 10 minutes a day to yourself!  If you don’t you will surely suffer from stress, high cholesterol, stomach issues, and other health problems.

Remember what makes you unique and truly a gift on this earth.  If you are having trouble knowing what those gifts are..then take the time to discover yourself and all of the miraculous things you are capable of!

Love and Light!


How are you readers? How are you fellow bloggers?

Before I begin this posting…



Desiree Davila made the Olympic marathon team today!!!!

Okay just had to get that out!

The sun is out and it is an absolutely beautiful day here in Southern California!

Things here at the Veg888 blog are coming along.  Slowly at the moment, but still progressing!

The first races of the NEW YEAR are rapidly approaching!

The Pepperdine Coastal Run and the Chinese FIRECRACKER 5k/10k are are the first races I will be running for the second time!

I ask myself what that will be like for this VEG888 blogger this year? Oh dear!

I ran a 5k race in Long Beach on Christmas Eve.  I year ago I ran as well.  What was the difference? The location. I feel positive that I have continued running.  I love it once I am out there.  The challenge is getting out there and doing it! Especially in 43 degree weather! Brrr! I know I know…that is probably a statement someone on the EAST coast will think is ridiculous. But what can I say?  I am a California Girl!

The next few weeks will be dedicated to training for the PEPPERDINE COASTAL5k/10k and the Chinese FIRECRACKER 5k/10k .

Last year I entered the 10k at the Pepperdine Race.  It was my first 10k and I ran it in over 1 hour..not quite and hour and half but almost.  This year I am hoping to BEAT the EXACT time and hopefully finish the race in less than an hour.  This race is a FLAT & FAST course.  The only draw back is the smelly waste station we run past the first 5k of the race. (For those of you who have never done this race…PLEASE RUN THIS RACE! The proceeds go to some wonderful programs geared toward children! You can see their website HERE!)

I plan on running the new 2012 training course to prepare for these 2 races.  My theory?  If I can run the hills on the course for 7 miles then I will be more than prepared once the 10k Pepperdine race comes & ready for the hills the Chinatown Firecracker 5k/10k  race throws at you the initial 3/4 mile of the race!

IF any of you readers have been to Dodger stadium then you know what I am talking about!  If you haven’t…my trusty Garmin told me we climbed a little under 200 feet of elevation the initial 3/4 mile of the race! Whew!  You can read my experiences about those two races HERE and HERE!

On the food front…Introducing the newest delectable treats I have recently added to my repetoire!


The Yoga Bar

Cocoa Butter, Dates, Honey, Pistachios, Cashews

This wonderful bar is absolutely sublime. It is a completely CALM and delectable treat.  This bar is totally RAW.  It has honey so it is NOT Vegan.

Up Next…


This bar is not for the weak hearted!  It is the strangest food I have ever had!  It is spicy, herby, and actually good in a strange sort of way.  After I eat this bar I usually feel like I could run around like the ROAD RUNNER!  As to if I would actually be faster…I don’t know..BUT I will say it helps me get out of the door to run.

The bar contains a blend of herbs and it based on Merlin’s Original Root Elixr as well as some RAW ingredients.  You can check out Merlins Website HERE and the I AM STRONG BAR ingredients HERE.

Both bars are GREAT additions to the day!  Try them!  Later on in the month I will be hosting a giveaway and these TWO bars will be included!

Thanks for reading!

Love and Light!


Here are some interesting stories I read today!  I love to read about various topics DAILY and I thought I would share!

RAW Vegan/ Vegan News Today

  1. Tennis Star Venus Williams has decided to adopt a RAW VEGAN Diet!  Venus is hoping to manage her autoimmune disease issues with this latest change in her lifestyle. This is a phenominal answer to her problem.  Very PROACTIVE!
  2. Larry Hagman has decided to embrace an all VEGAN diet to combat Cancer. I am really excited to see an 80 year old man make changes as well.  Change your diet.  Change your life.
  3. Fiber rich vegan/vegetarian diet help your micro flora.  This is very much paying attention what goes in must come out! 🙂
  4. 8 Ways to Detox! You can’t have a headline with the number 8 and me not mention it on this blog! 😉
  5. Food Trend Pioneer from cooked to RAW!

News of Vinegar, Oil & Spices

  1. Check out the book titled “Extra Virginity” by Tom Mueller.  He talks about the History of Olive Oil and the best types to eat, cook, un-cook, or dip with!
  2. In the winter blahs can be highlighted with spice! This is a nice article geared toward the positive side of spices!
  3. Experiment to spice up your diet and your health! We know that spices help our health, but this article goes into some options that will lead you to more adventures in the kitchen!
  4. Global Warming may be threatening the TRUFFLE industry in FRANCE!A Truly sad day it will be when there are NO MORE TRUFFLES….EVER!

Running Highlights

  1. The Olympic Trials will be underway this weekend.  For any information about who will be there and what’s is happening with them head over to THIS website!
  2. FOUR AWESOME WOMEN are Olympic hopefuls this weekend in Houston! You can read their stories HERE!
  3. Pick up a copy of the latest issue of RUNNERS WORLD and read a wonderful article about MY FAVE – DESIREE DAVILA! Go Desi!(She will be there this weekend and I wish her the very best!)

It is hard to believe it is only the 6th day of 2012!

How are you? Did you have a good time this New Years Eve?  It seems as though the holidays were upon us as quickly as they were over…


This was the second year my taste tester and I literally ran into the new year.   We decided on a new route for a new year.  Happily a good course to prepare for ANY hilly 5k/10k and the option of tearing it up on a flat course!  My times should show an improvement…

The run was absolutely exhilarating! It was however VERY QUIET!

No bhangra or dancehall music in the distance, no house parties with their 80’s/90’s music anywhere!  Absolutely quiet! EVERYWHERE!

The economic downturn is my reasoning as to why there wasn’t much of a celebration.  Things seem to be hard on everyone these days.  Many people are affected financially right now.

It is displayed at simple places you would normally see loads of people!  Many retailers are suffering and closing large stores.  Blockbuster has been closing stores for awhile, as well as Kodak possibly having a downturn.  People just don’t have extra money to spend!

I have NEVER seen so many people on bikes, commuting here and there and quite honestly everywhere.  Sometimes the need to be more frugal can actually be healthier! 🙂

My taste tester and I were discussing riding our bikes to and from the shop when the weather gets better….


2012 will happily result in running races for the SECOND time! Clap Clap Clap and a big smile for races coming up!

The Pepperdine Coastal 5k 10k is approaching.  The last time we ran that race we also had International Vegan Pizza Night!  I think I will have the events on different days!  It was too crazy that night to do it again!

Races to follow: Chinatown Firecracker Race and the Brea 8K.  These are some hilly courses!  I have committed to better times AND to make those hills my B_TCH!

I have learned so much from my commitment to 12 races this last year.

Here are the HARD LESSONS from my first year of running and races…

Lesson #1 – DRINK WATER!

DRINK LOTS OF WATER!  I know it probably sounds simple…maybe even stupid but it is the truth.

At any given moment during a run you may be confronted with feeling that your legs are as heavy as two concrete blocks!  For me and many the feeling is generally in your thighs! This is definitely dehydration.  Also, when it is difficult to take hold of your breathing pattern and break into your endurance mode it is usually water related.  (That’s not to say nutrition isn’t a variable but that is further on down the list!)

MY ANSWER FOR ME: Make sure to drink more thank 64 oz a day if not more!  Drink most of your water within a 12 hour period PRIOR to your run.  Don’t jam on water trying to get it all in before a run! I repeat DON’T DO IT! You will definitely make yourself ill and that defeats the purpose! Just be aware of your water intake! And PURE water! None of this colored tinted or flavor hinted nonsense out there! PURE WATER!


Any physical activity that places demands on your body like running, yoga, cycling and/or any other endurance sport should not occur after a cup of coffee!  If the caffeine effect is your desire then go for some sort of tea, energy bar and/or natural supplement. I have found both the Vega Supplement to be quite helpful!

Coffee is extremely acidic something you DO NOT WANT for your body  if you are going to race within a few hours.

You want to stay as ALKALINE as possible to curb injuries!

This year I read many articles on the internet, in running magazines and my beloved world of blogs about injuries  people sustained while running.

Keep your diet and liquids clean! Your body will thank you and you will be happy with your endurance levels and overall performance.



When embarking on a run invariably you I will feel various things.

My inner whiner will enter my mind and tell me all kinds of things! For some the whiner begins sooner rather than later.  It is the whiner that is often called “THE WALL”.  Well here at the Veg888 blog…we call it “your inner whiner”.

A few examples are:

I have to go to the bathroom you should stop and go back … (My reaction: What are you talking about you just went to the bathroom before you ran for this specific reason.  Keep running. )

My knee hurts…ouch my ankle…or some other type of pain… I can’t do it…i’m tired…it’s cold…(My reaction: Stop with the whining already just run.  That is all you have to do.  You just finished one hour of yoga are more than prepared!)

I think I will run a shorter distance than originally intended…(My reaction:  Do you have a goal? If you do meet.  Be about it…Don’t Just talk about it!)

There are many more examples but these usually hit me the first 1/4 mile.

Whenever that little nagging whiner rear it’s ugly head…I work through it! Shut the whiner down!


It is absolutely imperative to stretch!  In the long run, (no pun intended) you are far better off when you stretch than when you don’t!  Take the time to do it! If you don’t you will be sorry.

I pose this question to myself – Which would you rather do? Take the time to stretch and then run? -or- Get an injury because you didn’t stretch and then you can’t run for a few days/weeks/months and have loads of time nursing your injury?




Okay so this is where the uncomfortable moments begin in this posting…

1) Whatever your persuasion regarding what you choose as your general menu, make sure you are no less than 60% alkaline!  (I once read someone say “…there are two subjects that will make people not like you in any discussion.  Talk to someone about their diet or their god and you will definitely encounter hostility!) In all physical activities, the more alkaline your system is the better your body will perform, repair, and continue comfortably.  Experiment with your diet.  It is the best way to fine tune your fitness goals and your quality of life.

2) Pay attention to what is coming out and how often! You should be able to have 1 or more bowl movements a day.  If you skip a day drink more water, add more salad, add fruit, take a probiotic, something! Do not allow a day without a bowel movement!  This is where many of diseases will end up living!  Your colon, your digestive system and any of the filters our wonderful bodies have to assimilate food. I have been getting a colonic once a week since I first started.  I feel better, my “movements” are better and my entire life is changing.  Seriously.  I certainly am not telling you you have to get a colonic.  I am simply telling you to be aware of what is coming out. Be kind to your body and keep it clean!

This topic can be an uncomfortable subject, but I do feel it is important!  I think when we as humans realize that we are in control of our health we will grow by leaps and bounds!

Our bodies are miraculous machines.  Our bodies work better than any new technological gadget that can be imagined!  Anything going wrong with your body is like a crime.

We have an amazing healing system within and remember to use it!  We NEVER get sick for no reason!  There is always a reason!  Get CSI on the problem and I guarantee there is a natural cure! Anything you eat should not stay in your body for more than 8-12 hrs.  So just be aware and love your body! 🙂

I don’t want to have too long of a post so I will end here!

Thanks for reading!



What are your goals this year?    What goals did you meet last year?

Experience life and enjoy each adventure you find yourself in! 🙂


WOW 2011 is rapidly coming to a close!  Things here in the VEG888 world a great I must say. (Yes I realize it is almost her as it is approx. 1:44 pm in the afternoon on the EVE of 2012! 🙂

I truly did 12 races this year! YES!  Last year I ran into 2011 AND 2012 here we come! 🙂  We will be running again! Enjoying our bodies, enjoying the earth and being thankful for the opportunity to live!

How are you guys? Alright?  I hope so!  It has been ages since I last wrote a post it seems somewhat insane.

I am still cooking & uncooking here in the VEG888 kitchen and still exploring all I can about health!  So many new things I have learned and not quite shared…YET!

Both my city of residence and the wonderful city I conduct business in LOST  POWER for 4 days!

The San Gabriel Valley was hit with a wind storm in December.  The aftermath of winds which rose up to 97 mph was devasting to many!  I don’t think the news covered the severity of what happened!

Huge pine trees have been ripped out of the ground showing miraculous root structures.  Many of the old growth trees have fallen on cars and houses.

If there is one lesson to learn it is the following.  NEVER NEVER underestimate the POWER OF MOTHER NATURE!

We did not have power for a total of 5 days at home and only 1 day at the shop.  We did however have water, which was totally positive.  Here are some images of the destruction

A true statement that California was not prepared for such winds.

Check out these root systems!!!! Talk about powerful!

Wild times we are living in.  The energy has been a bit intense and a bit of a whirlwind this week.  The energy of 2012 is amazing!  Very strong.  2011 seemed a bit timid.  I am hoping for positive things this next year.

Happy New Year Everyone!  Welcome the NEW YEAR with a thankful heart! Love everyone and practice GRACE under FIRE!  It is the best thing you can do for yourself.

You are amazing! You are alive!  You have wonderful gifts to add to this wonderful world we live in! So…SHARE THEM!

Thank you for the opportunity to see into my life and mind!  I love all bloggers and readers!  Be strong and carry on!


Chapter 1 – Tuesday – July 26,2011

It was 78 degrees last night during my run.  It did however seem more tolerable since the sun had long been gone and the beauty of night was glimmering!

Unfortunately, my taste tester is still dealing with an a slight injury and unable to run with me…or so I thought!

The run was a simple 4.5 mile run.

I recently have begun to really push myself the last mile or so of the run. I figure next month I will push at 1.5 miles prior to the end and continue until I am running at a faster pace each mile of the run!  This should help me on race day…

My mind was thinking about so many topics while I ran.

Things like: Fueling my body ALOT better.  – Making the “FUEL” commitment to my running is really important.  The fact is I haven’t taken THIS particular commitment seriously. BOOO for the Veg888 Blogger! 😦

That’s not to say I am eating sugar, candy, soda, sweets, etc.  It’s just that I know I need to take my consumption up about 5 notches!  But I am aware and I will do something about it!

As I approached the end of my run, I saw my taste test jogging toward me.  He finished the last mile of the run with me.  Unfortunately he was in pain and sniffling like he had a cold! Hmmm….

Once we were inside and I looked at him, I knew it!  A cold had found him and I wanted NO PART OF IT!

Despite my diligent effort not to catch my taste tester’s cold – I GOT SICK! 😡  Very upset to say the least!  I tried cleaning everything after he used it with thyme and tea tree essential oil.  I sprayed the rooms and the bed with this same concoction…

Stop the Cold Bug Disinfectant Spray

10 oz Distilled Water

6 Drops Organic Thyme Oil

6 Drops Organic Tea Tree Oil

Fill a clean spray bottle with the distilled water.  (I use distilled since it won’t mold or smell after a few weeks time.)  Add the essential oil to the water and cover with spray nozzle.  Shake before each use.

NOTE: My taste tester and I generally use this spray on our bed in the a.m. when we are fixing it and getting ready to go.  This spray is also really good in the kitchen, however I add lemon essential oil to that spray.

Unfortunately, I didn’t think to get the light switches or the steering wheel to the car! UGH!

On Thursday I woke up sneezing and felt the germ coming on!  I was determined to fight it!

Chapter 2 – Sunday – July 31, 2011

By Sunday the cold had vanished and I was healthy again!  Luckily!

We had purchased tickets to see Ziggy Marley at the Hollywood Bowl that night and I was truly excited!

I made Jerk Tofu with Red Beans and Rice in honor of Jamaica!

We sat and enjoyed a truly moving, captivating and dynamic show by Ziggy!  A true professional and a true musician.

More often than not, I am ALWAYS disappointed when Bob Marley’s kids start singing their father’s songs! How many times is Damian, Stephen or even Ky-Mani for that matter going to sing “We’re Jammin”! Ugh! Bob did it – it was part of his repetoire! However, that was then – this is now!

Both Ziggy and Ky-mani have great works independently and DO NOT NEED TO SING BOB’S songs.  Anyone feel me on this one??? 🙂

As the evening ended I was truly calm and serene.

I really enjoy having a meal and watching live music.  Note to self: I think I will host a function at the store as such.  It is REALLY calming and healing! I have the back yard area…why not?

Chapter 3 – Tuesday – August 9, 2011

Today marks a few symbolic goals I have decided to fulfill!  Things have been changing around here at the Veg888 Blog…Within, Without, Interior, Exterior…

First – Today is the 8th – ( that’s right 8 – Don’t I love 8’s!) day of a 14-day Organic Detox!  I am embarking on a DETOX FEST for the next 6 months! I will take you on my journey of these Detoxes and discuss what is happening as a cause of this cleansing fest. 🙂

Second – Today was the third – ahem – Colonic appointment I had.  Yes Readers you read that correctly.  Don’t worry, I won’t give you much more information than that.  I will however discuss why I am opting to have a colonic each week for the next few weeks.

Third – The realization of age and keeping your body in working order!  I noticed there were a few uncomfortable poses while practicing yoga.  Not uncomfortable because I couldn’t do them, but much more of an organ pain…if that makes sense???  I decided to listen to what my body was telling me and make some poignant changes to my life.  Yes it will be hard work and I will need dedication, but I have to do it.  I got one body at birth!  I need to take care of it from head to toe!

Chapter 3 – Tuesday – September 5, 2011

I successfully finished the 14 day detox!  Next is the kidney detox!

I have also reached #6 in my Hydrotherapy endeavor.

Have any of you ever had a colonic before???

It is quite an interesting experience.  But I would have to say this will add another chapter to the “Recipe for Illness” Series I have going on the blog!

The Hydrotherapist I have been working with is a wonderful woman.  She is truly a beam of light! 🙂  I am happy with the results I am feeling and experiencing.

What are the changes?

  1. Body odor has changed completely. Not that it was bad, just different.
  2. Fatigue prior to menstruation TOTALLY gone.
  3. Day1 or Day 2 Headache which usually comes with my menses – GONE!
  4. My skin is clearer and my hair is growing a bit faster.
  5. I am VERY aware of my chewing patterns.  Am I chewing enough, did I swallow that piece of food to fast, etc.
  6. My desire for foods has changed.   I had already dropped the sweets thing, but now I don’t want anything that would “plug” my system up.
  7. Although having a colonic once a week has effected my running a bit, I don’t think there is any need to worry.  Mostly my abdomen is sore the day after my appointment and I don’t run.
  8. I have been CLEANING around my house.  Feeling the need to get rid of clothes, clean my fridge out and various other cleaning endeavors. Basically just get rid of JUNK!
  9. Looking at everything I have in a new light.  A positive light!
  10. I feel more in control of my body than I did a few weeks ago!

I could go on, but I will stop there for now.  If you have any questions about colonics feel free to email me or comment on the post!

The thing about my body is this.  I am willing to do whatever natural work I need to do!  The Detox, the herbs, the baths, Hydro-Therapy, Eating the Correct foods for my body, etc.  So I will keep you updated on any news, discoveries and findings.

Thank you for reading!  I have missed you!

Love and Light!


Hello Readers!  Hello Bloggers! 🙂

Happy to say I have been challenging myself to harder runs! Running multiple hills each run.   Although I am attempting to be kind and patient to my psyche and my body…I have been running longer distances.

I was looking at my Garmin stats last night and was amazed to see that I have run over 200 miles! YES! 🙂

I went on a run without my Taste Tester last night and really enjoyed the run.  Although challenging for MANY reasons…I did it! It was quite a different run without him there.  Both are equally enjoyable.  However, there is nothing like the solitude and peace of a run alone!  Running is constantly testing your limits both physically and mentally!

Each time I run I add HILLS!  If we run the neighborhood around my store HILLS are a given!  There are some pretty intense hills at that! Whew! No matter which route – the home route or the shop route there are some hills that can make me feel like I want to “blow”  (throw up) once I reach the top!  But all in all, I know they make me a stronger runner. Working through the intensity of a hill is amazing!  A battle of the physical…a battle with the mind and more than anything…truly a battle with yourself!

There are key points I think about when I am feeling the intensity of a hill!

1) When feeling this pain and being in the moment it is truly a moment to BEHOLD!  Everything you are feeling – you are able to feel because you are ALIVE!  Enjoy this moment.  Feel everything occurring in this moment! Feel the muscles, breath and experience life!  RIGHT NOW!  BE IN THE MOMENT AND LIVE! This is what I tell myself.  Of course…

2) When somehow that thought process doesn’t work – I ask myself a question “Are you going to quit?”  Immediately the answer is “NO!”  I have done this before!  I can do this again!  Why wouldn’t I be able to finish?  What are you saying to yourself?  Quit? NO WAY! NOT AN OPTION! Just keep going!  Push it! Push it a bit harder! Your almost there!

3) And when that doesn’t work soundtrack music and song lyrics come to mind!  A key one is the song written by Bone Symphony – from the “Revenge of the Nerds” soundtrack.  “You’ve got to put one foot in front of the other put the right foot down…down…down…. -or- Don Carlos “The road is long Oh yes it’s long, Got to reach the end…I just can’t stop! No I just can’t stop! Got to reach the line!” At any given moment my mind can break out into a soundtrack within! 🙂  Anyone else feel like that out there?

And before I know it, I can see the lights to our driveway and I know I am home! The run has been FINISHED & CONQUERED!

I must finish the run I set out to do.  Within organized races, I have only done the 5k, 8k, and 10k and cannot imagine stopping at this point!

I am hoping to find some 15k’s and ultimately the Half Marathon is looming.  It’s out there calling me.  It is waiting to be conquered by the Veg888 Blogger! 🙂  More than anything I would like to run the half just to prove it to myself! That I can do it! That I can conquer anything I set my mind to!

Besides, we are living an uncertain world these days.  As a whole, Mother Nature is being abused and somehow, in some ways a natural disaster seems to be something that NOBODY CAN GET AWAY FROM! Just depends on what part of the world we are in as to what we may or may not face!

This leads me to my next tidbit for the day.  Have any of you readers seen a magazine called “Outside”?  The other day, while searching for ORGANIC CORN ON THE COB I spotted an article called “Apocolypse Survival”.  As I scanned through the article, I began thinking.  If there is an earthquake, civil unrest, whatever matter…I will need to run! Run from the ocean waves if I am by a beach, run from a bunch of things falling in the event of an earthquake, run in case of civil unrest….

The article itself was not as great as the title, however,  it did set my mind the following thoughts.


2) Make a list of what is needed in case of an emergency

3) Start checking out Survival websites in the case of a Natural Disaster!

I am certainly not saying these things because I am being negative.  This is reality.  In the year 2011 we have seen tsunami devastation, unfortunate effects from an oil spill within the Gulf of Mexico, Flooding throughout the United States, Heat waves hitting the mid section of our country, the list can go on and on and on!

So stay tuned and I welcome any thoughts regarding today’s posting!

Love and Light!


Hello Readers! 🙂

Yes, long time no write but living and loving along the way!  It is nice to be online and see the traffic within my site! 🙂

How are you doing?

Me?  I am still running!  My last race was in the City of San Marino!  The race took place on the 4th of July and it was totally positive!  This race is in honor of a fallen officer.


A large part of our proceeds go to support the Flintridge Prep’s J.P. Blecksmith ’99 Memorial Scholarship Fund which is given to a rising senior at Flintridge Prep. The Fund was established this endowment fund in 2004 to honor the memory of 2nd Lieutenant James Patrick Blecksmith ’99, who died while serving in Iraq. The JP Blecksmith ’99 Memorial Scholarship Fund offsets tuition for deserving students, funds special leadership opportunities for selected students of promise, and through the JP Blecksmith ’99 Annual Award honors a rising senior who personifies the qualities of leadership, scholarship, athletic commitment, and public service that J.P. embodied.

The Race

The race was a fast course with (2) very intense hills!  Although the hills were a BIG surprise, I am still happy I finished the race. Always happy when I finish a race and my taste tester is there waiting for me!  One day (fingers crossed) I will be able to keep up with him!  That will truly be a a wonderful day!

Mileage has been increasing each run and I am very excited about where we are in our running abilities!

The last few nights we have run over 5 miles each run and we still are not done with the week…yet!  I still have this evening and tomorrow!  I had mentioned a few weeks back that I wanted to shake things up a bit and run 25 miles for the week – I am happily right at this goal!  Next we will need to be @ 25-28 miles solidly for the next few weeks.  That is, if I would like to run the Half Marathon in the fall!  I will continue to add mileage!  Goals! Goals! They are good for me! Just a few more miles and I will be ready for the Half Marathon!


I just finished reading “Living with the Himalayan Masters” by Swami Rama.  Although a longer read than the previous book @ 454 pages, I enjoyed many aspects of this book.  It is always a pleasure to read books that really breakdown emotional barriers, give you insight to an ancient world and explain human nature in a very different way…a spiritual way!

To my HAPPY surprise there is a chapter about Anandamoyi Ma! 🙂  To anyone who has been around here, you know my affinity to this beautiful woman!  She was divine in nature!  This is the 3rd Yoga book I have read, with different authors I might add, where she is mentioned and the actual author has their own experience with her! Beautiful Ma!

If you like books about adventures in life, yoga, and/or the supernatural world, I highly suggest it!

Musical Meditations

Our latest adventure in the music world took place last Sunday @ the Hollywood Bowl!  A few years back we attended an event titled “India Calling”.  We wondered why there hadn’t been another show since!  To our surprise we discovered there was a show for 2011 called “Journey to India”!

The concert was a bit over 3 hrs!  We had taken Kale Wraps, Champagne, and sliced FRESH cucumber! We headed out to the Hollywood Bowl and expected a dancing, high energy crowd!

What we found was a very calm and serene show.  All of the music for this event was composed by A.R. Rahmen.  For those of you unfamiliar with this composer, you can hear his work on various soundtracks.  Slumdog Millionaire, 127 Hours, The Kings Speech, Inception, and The Social Network – just to name a few!

It was a wonderful night!  I felt so peaceful and calm after the show!  It is rare that my taste tester and I get to eat in such a calm and entertaining fashion.  A Great memory for the both of us! 🙂

This week we will see Ky-mani Marley @ the Roxy Theatr

Discussions, FYI’s and other musings…

1) I read an article called “Vegan becomes an “Ethical Butcher”.  You can read that article HERE. Quite honestly, I don’t know what bothered me more.  The fact that he WAS a vegan and ate meat again -or- the fact that he is alright with the killing of animals and chopping up body parts of animals. Before you decide, I do believe that each persons body is their own!  People can do what they want to it! Eat bad food, pierce whatever, tattoo whatever…it is OUR CONTAINER to do WHATEVER WE WANT, right?  Right.  But to kill another being on this earth for the pleasure of eating it -or whatever, that is where my problem is. One of the first Yoga practices to get a grasp of in this lifetime is Ahimsa.  Non-violence toward any entity.  I don’t feel the need to call him names, or say he is beneath any of us Vegans/Vegetarians, just makes me sad that this could be alright for him.  And to make it much worse-what does he stand for? Once a vegan – then a meat eater.  What happened to the commitment of not ingesting an animal product.  I wonder why he became one in the first place???  Hmmm.  What do you think readers?

2) While scanning the internet for information and interesting stories about general health and nutrition, I found a great new film!  You can read the summary regarding this DVD HERE.  I am really interested in seeing this DVD “May I Be FRANK” and if done well, I will more than likely offer it to my readers! Tell me what you think if you are able to go and see it!  Come on Ithaca – Talk to me! 🙂

3) HAPPY to see a Vegan NASCAR Driver with a goal! You can read that story HERE.  Always nice and uplifting to see others making and meeting GOALS!!! Go Vegans!

Write to you soon!

Love and Light!


Hello Readers!

Thank you for coming on by!  Lot’s of changes in the magical world of the Veg888 blog!  Lot’s of updates so I will get started and TRY and make this SHORT & SWEET! 😉 But if anything we will definitely get SWEET!

1) If you have seen – BOTANY OF DESIRE I am curious to know what you think. ?!  This documentary explores an opposing side of the life of Tulips, Apples, Cannabis and the Potato!  Originally a book, this film suggests these particular plants actually control us to continue their lives and growth, as well as further their abilities!.

I enjoyed the authors spin on things!  It was nice to experience another human being exploring feelings on a deeper level than the human experience alone.

I am eager to read the book and see what other information is included in the book!  These wonderful  life forms on earth are so magical and we are around beauty all of the time.  Even if we don’t PHYSICALLY SEE IT!

I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE books about FOOD HISTORY.  Early on Veg888 Blog used to cover a bit more history of food with recipes and logs of what was going on in the kitchen.  I started adding all of the different parts of my life with you!  It has become clear that I cannot just discuss food or yoga or any other ONE interest  I have in any SINGLE SENSE within a single posting!

I hope you will come along for the ride!

2) The Art of Joyful Living by Swami Rama – This was a quick and FRUITFUL read.  I am looking forward to read a few more books by this author.

Each month I buy magazines and look for interesting information about health, food, running, yoga, etc.  Over the past few years I seek out a magazine called Yoga+  International.  The magazine is a product of the Himalayan Institute in PA.

This last month there was an article written by Swami Rama about Inner Reflection.

The article was very kind and straight forward about battles we have as people.  Why we behave like we do, how to get past obstacles, how to be gentle with ourselves, how to have an organized calm mind, and other VERY HELPFUL TOOLS to everyday life.  The article is loosely based on the book –  “The Art of Joyful Living ”

After reading this book, it has left me wanting to make some changes in my life and I am trying to utilize the tools the book discusses. If you read this book I would love to hear from you!

3) Running in the evening seems to be extremely healing for me.  I enjoy running during the day, but I must say I am really LOVING the cool summer nights we have here in California.  Although it is in the 80’s at the moment, tonight is sure to cool off to a NICE and BREEZY evening!  I am still running and unfortunately I will only have 1 race for May and 1 for June.

July promises to be quite busy with races.  I will also be hosting some functions on behalf of the Veg888 BLOG and also on behalf of the store.  My taste tester and I have chosen about 4 races for the month of July and I am also hoping to conquer 10 miles.  Yes still trying to conquer 10!

I am always looking for a great discussion to feature on THIS Blog! Discussions are so enlightening at times.  On many different levels! Please comment or add to the information regarding anything on this BLOG! 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Love and Light!


One year ago, I felt I had lost the most AWESOME part of my daily life…

As I look back on the day he died, I can only say these few words…

I can only hope that when I pass to the other side, I pass with the strength and nobility this wonderous being emanated during his final days with me on earth.

He never seemed scared, and in retrospect waited as long as he could to leave.  He was in his mid twenties and I really couldn’t have asked for more love from any being on earth!  He truly loved me and told me so EVERY DAY!!!

I met him 10 years ago and he captured my heart immediately!

For a long time I felt as though I had LOST, but I must say to experience the kind of love this animal brought to me in this lifetime or in any other lifetime is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIFT I could have ever received from the creator!


Hello Longevity Seekers!

How are you out there?!

It has been quite some time since we last spoke!

Things are progressing nicely and I am finding myself quite busy these days.  What about you?

I had mentioned a few bothersome aches and pains due to running, but thankfully I have been able to work through ALL of them! 🙂

Various yoga routines have been the most KEY point in running without an injury.  Many of the poses have really opened my mind and in turn my body.

Usually I begin with forward bends and move on to various hip opening poses.  Many of the “running preparatory” poses, or so I like to call them, help enormously while I am in the act of running.

Allowing the hips, glutes and hamstrings to be stretched throughout any given session is REALLY HELPFUL when I am doing a long run! Usually 6-7+ miles.  (Hopefully I will be able to add about a mile or two this week to the 7 mile mark!)

So I usually start with:

Forward Bend – Uttanasana – To wake up the hamstrings!  I usually hold this pose for 3 minutes. Inhale. move into…

Exhale…Upward Salute – Urdhva Hastasana – Usually to rejoice I am about to RUN!!! 🙂 BIG Inhale…

Exhale… Standing Half Forward Bend – Ardha Uttanasana – This is usually added as a variation to the forward bend because it allows me to check on my taste tester and at times feel the stretch in my back !

I usually repeat this series 3 more times before I move onto the next sequence of poses.

I begin in Tadasana and place my arms to my side palms down toward the floor and step one foot to the right.  This way I am ready to practice the next pose.

Prasarita Padottanasana I – Wide Leg Forward Bend – This is usually a very intense stretch for the hamstrings, calves, inner part of the thigh, glutes and part of my lower back.  Since this is usually challenging the first time I practice this asana I usually touch the floor with my palms and hold the pose for about 2-3 minutes.  Once I am warmed up, I place my elbows on the ground and really intensify this stretch.  However, when practicing ALWAYS stay in the present tense and B.R.E.A.T.H.E!!! Just stay comfortable!

From this pose I usually angle one foot and move into Parsvottanasana – Intense Side Stretch Pose – which is REALLY helpful on the inner part of the thigh, glutes and lower back.  I hold this pose on each side.

Although I move into more poses I am wondering if you are bored right about now??? If you would like more poses comment below and I can do a special sequence post for before and after a run! 🙂

With the exception of this evening, I would like to run a few times in the a.m. this week. Let’s see if I can’t shake things up a bit.  I say this because I am not usually a morning person!  AT ALL! But, I digress.

I would like to run 25+ miles this week.  That is the goal.  I am confident I will be able to run a half marathon by the fall.  I find it takes me until about mile 4 to feel warmed up, which is great on longer runs and not to good while running 3 miles or less.  That isn’t to say I can’t run, just not as warmed up I suppose.  Maybe that is why I see people running prior to a race….hmmmm.

I did meet my goal to run on my birthday! 🙂  This birthday was truly a wonderful day! I ran a 5k next to the beach, enjoyed a great dinner with my taste tester and GREAT friend Ignacio!  He is studying at the University of Santa Barbara at the moment and coincidentally enough the college was just across the street from the Beach where the race was! 🙂 Yeah!

We talked and hung out until it was time to drive back to the LA area.  I hope to do a few more Wednesday Evening races.

It appears that many of the races in June and on are DURING THE WEEK and THE WEEKEND! Yeah!  The summer seems to invite more activity around these parts!

Lots of Yoga, Lots of Meditation and LOTS OF LOVE ahead this next month and beyond.  I am currently looking for some really cool giveaways this year and am so thankful to my SUBSCRIBER out there! 🙂  (You know who you are beautiful! 🙂  Look for something in the mail for you…)

and for the ZING…

Yoga Journal has recently written an article about a Homemade Sports Drink.  It is titled “Fix yourself a Drink” and can be found on page 28.  If you don’t receive Yoga Journal I have copied the recipe below…

Homemade Sports Drink (NOT VEGAN)

1/2 tsp honey

1 cup hot water

Juice from quarter of a lemon

Pinch Salt

Combine ingredients, stir, and chill the drink in the refrigerator to enjoy later.  Drink before and after exercise.

Write me, email me, comment or visit!

Love and Light!


Hello Longevity Seekers!

I am hoping you are well this wonderful week in April! 🙂 Southern California has been absolutely BEAUTIFUL this week! 🙂 Warm and Breezy ~ Palm Trees dancing! 🙂


I acquired a DVD called “INGREDIENTS”. I am unsure if anyone has seen this DVD, but it is a wonderful film made to explore the SLOW FOOD MOVEMENT and Support of the LOCAL CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in your area.

The DVD informs us of some rather shocking facts upon it’s opening and features some really wonderful community efforts in Oregon, NY and and few other stops along the way.

There is a wonderful quote I wrote down from the beginning of the documentary…

“I started growing vegetables with my husband…to recreate what we think is our duty. Our taste buds are there for a reason. They are there to guide us to BETTER NUTRITION. It isn’t greed or gluttony to like the taste of food. It is a natural drive to nourish ourselves.” Carol Boutard, Ayers Creek Farm

Did you know…

  • 17,000+ foods are introduced to the American Public each year.
  • Most Children born during the year 2000
  • will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents
  • An overabundance of processed foods has put our children at risk for Type 2 Diabetes
  • There is no culture in the world that spends less money on their food that the US.

How do we change this? With our Forks! 🙂

Local Food systems are available and need to be intergrated into your life! Biodynamic Farms, CSA Farmers Markets and growing our own vegetables is really the best way to change things!

Fresh Food is ABSOLUTLY out there!

The Veg888 Kitchen will begin attending local Farmers Markets and BEGIN growing it’s own lettuce/greens! I am part of the fossil fuel consumption. We all are! As a society we really have to Reduce ~ Reuse ~ Recycle!

It’s like I always tell myself – “BE ABOUT IT – DON’T JUST TALK ABOUT IT!


I will only cover this documentary very briefly.

I had wanted to see this DOCUMENTARY for a VERY LONG TIME! It is difficult to find certain movies at various times and I was finally able to “seize the moment” and buy this Documentary.

The story begins with communication between an 8 year old artist and a young film maker name Yul Shulmen. The story begins to spiral from there and the end will have you absolutly astonished and the path everything follows. Even to THIS DAY.

In case you see this movie, I will not go into detail. However I will say this. The places our minds can take us the moment someone reaches out to us is amazing and very clear in this Documentary.(?) I place this question mark there since it left me feeling like it was all a planned/staged setting. If you see it, I would love to see what you think!

And finally…KALE CHIPS!

When I went completely Raw for the Parasite Cleanse I kept seeing recipes for KALE CHIPS!

Although I wanted to try them, something always happened and I just never did.

Last week, I decided I would like to try adding them into my diet. Why? RAW Lacinto KALE has protein, calcium and if you add nutritional yeast to your mix – you get B12! Very important for us as Vegans/Vegetarians!

So here we go!


For 1 Bunch of Kale…

1 C Sunflower Seeds (Soaked)

1/4 C Nutritional Yeast

1/3 C Water

2 T Olive Oil

2 Cloves Garlic

1/2 tsp Paprika

1/4 tsp Chipotle

1 pinch salt

Place all ingredients into a Food Processor or Blender until it is a thick paste.

Once the paste is made, place over the kale and massage the paste onto the kale.  Once all of the kale is covered it is ready to place onto a teflex sheet and place in the dehydrator.

These will be in the dehydrator for 5-6 hours.  I made 4 trays worth! 🙂 They were delicious!

Here they are all in a jar ready to be eaten!  I enjoyed them quite a bit! In fact my taste tester ate the ENTIRE JAR in one sitting! 🙂  I will make more this weekend.  I will try another flavor of course! 🙂 Something spicy maybe.

Thanks for reading!

Love and Light!


This weekend I successfully finished my 8th race! Woo Hoo! 🙂

The race this weekend coincided with the (Automatic) World Wide WordPress 5k and my goal to run a race a month this entire year! LOVELY!

Santa Anita Derby 5k

This race was quite an experience!  The race started in the parking lot of the Westfield Shopping Center in Arcadia, Ca.  The race then took you toward the Los Angeles Arboretum and on the grounds of this wonderful property for most of the 5k.  The last 3/4 mile takes you back toward the mall and ultimately into the world famous SANTA ANITA RACE TRACK.

Sunday was an ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL day in Arcadia!

Here are some pictures of the mountains!

Walking up to the start line!

The race receives 8 stars out of 10

Our beautiful mountains!


  • There were over 5,000 participants who woke up and RAN / WALKED
  • The wonderful course through the Arboretum!
  • LOTS and LOTS of trash cans for the water cups! 🙂

Inside the Santa Anita Race Track!


  • The walkers that walk in a row of 3+ wide!!!  Runners usually have to somehow get past the WALL of walkers!  Walkers – stick to the right and allow the runners to pass you on the left!  (I suppose I understand ALOT better why the chracter in SPANGLISH (a movie with Adam Sandler) would yell LEFT when she was running up along side someone or about to pass someone! 🙂
  • The last 3/4 of a mile was a bit more challenging that any part of the race. The last leg of the race takes you into the Race Track.  The last 1/4 mile or so takes you onto clay! THIS WAS CHALLENGING! WHEW! Actually threw me for a loop and stopped me from my kick at the end!  The only negative feelings are a personal one and in no way at fault of the race coordinators!  I will be prepared next time!

Horses at the RACE TRACK! 🙂

I finished the 5k slower than the Mardis Gras Race in Valencia by 1+ minute. 😦  Faster than the Venice Christmas Fun Run 5k by 2+ minutes and 7+ minutes faster than the Chinatown 5k! 🙂  I have enjoyed taking the time to run and focus on my body.

Last night was the first time in a long time I went through my entire set of Yoga Poses to awaken the body.  Intergrating Yoga back into my life will only strengthen my running abilities.  At the moment I am dealing with a knee issue.  I have read and mentioned in a past posting that many knee issues arise out of TIGHT HIPS!  Well, let me tell ya…there is A LOT MORE THAN TIGHT HIPS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! 😛  Hamstrings, calves, and various other muscles!

My knee only bothers me when I step down!  As I went through my poses I noticed I was holding some emotion there.  I cannot put my finger on it…YET!  I kept having to remind myself to open my mind and focus on an “OPEN KNEE”!  I had to really be aware of not constricting the knee while I moved in and out of various poses.  Strange.

Today the knee FELT ALOT better.  My taste tester usually puts tiger balm on my knee for me, but I think I am going to make my own version of a rub since I noticed there are petroleum products in it. 😦

Jericho Mile

Great Running Movie!

In my ever expanding collection of movies, I recently added a running film called The Jericho Mile.

Rain Murphy is a man sentenced to life in prison, choosing to do his time in near-isolation, and engages in distance running when given the opportunity for free-time. While his form and speed capture the attention of prison officials who believe he could be competitive for the Olympics, Murphy expresses disinterest. But when the one man he has befriended is taken advantage of by political groups within the prison, Murphy decides to pursue the opportunity presented to him in his memory. This action not only has profound changes on him, but also on the atmosphere of the inmates in the prison and their outlook on the accomplishments he can make. Written by Tara Ragatz

This film is a must see.  I had no idea it would be as inspiring as it is 20+ years later!  Anyone interested in a GREAT movie should see this movie!  At first I didn’t know what to expect.  I had been told it took place in a prison, and quite honestly I’m not into prison flicks.  It generally doesn’t seem like they would be positive! HOWEVER, this MOVIE WAS UPLIFTING, POSITIVE and leaves you wanting to see it again and again!

Thanks for reading!

Go Lickity Split!

Love and Light!


I enjoyed a wonderful salad for lunch yesterday…

“Fattoush” – Cucumbers, Radishes, Sumac, Lemon Juice, Fresh Mint, Olive Oil and LOVE!:)

Wonderful Salad in all it's GLORY!


Eat as many greens as you possibly can!

I made up the above stated rule after reading a “blip” out of the THRIVE fitness book by Brendan Brazier!

Leafy vegetables are a rich source of chlorophyll, important in offsetting stress by alkalizing the body.  Chlorophyll also cleanses and oxygenates the blood, making it an essential “modern world” food and a true performance enhancer.  Having more oxygen available in the blood translates to better endurance and an overall reduction in fatigue.  In their raw state, chlorophyll-containing plants possess an abundance of live enzymes that promote the quick rejuvenation of our cells.  The consumption of chlorophyll-rich, leafy green vegetables combines with moderate exercise is the best way to create a biologically younger body.

Makes you think, huh?  I am totally down with the “younger body” and better performance vibe! What about you readers???

RULE #2 & RULE #3

#2 Drink Chia and #3 Drink Rejuvelac DAILY!

I shared my last Chia recipe with you HERE.  Last night I made another elixr that combines both Rule #2 and Rule #3!


6 Strawberries

6 Dates

2 cups Rejuvelac

1/2 cup Chia Gel

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender and drink!

In all of the research I read about the chia, many of the complaints were about the consistency and taste.  TASTE / FLAVOR don’t matter IF you are taking this into your body for nutritional benefits.  Luckily the seed is open to many many additions!  It mixes pretty easily with just about EVERYTHING!  I haven’t found anything it is bad with.  I have even taken shots of it by itself.  I must say say this – While it is not something that has flavor (bad or good), I am guessing it is the gel consistency that makes people not like it…drink it! Nutrition! NUTRITION! Nutrition!

As far as rejuvelac…I am still brewing this wonderful elixr.  Definite difference with this one – It can be a bit difficult to get down the “hatch” so to speak.  Not the flavor.  NEVER the flavor.  It actually tastes REALLY REFRESHING!  It is usually the smell that can keep me at bay for about 15 minutes.  Once I am drinking it, I usually just DOWN IT!  I usually take in approximately 20oz a day.  I would like to get to 32oz.

This wonderful sprout finds itself turning GREEN these days! 🙂  Even the Chia has been sprouting in the kitchen!  I love life and the definite presence it has in the VEG888 kitchen!

I was reviewing an Anne Wigmore book the other day and found this “blip” about REJUVELAC!

Rejuvelac – The Enzyme Drink

Rejuvelac is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, dextrines, phosphates, saccharines, lactobacilli, saccharamyces, aspergillus oryzae and they have the faculty of breaking down large molecules of glucose , starch, and glycogens.  This is the reason rejuvelac is an aid to your digestion.

The natural lactic acid and fermentive enzymes which are produced during the fermentation process have a beneficial effect on the metabolism and a curative  effect on disease.

Thanks for reading!

Love and Light!


Hey guys!  How are you this week?

I didn’t want this week to pass without sharing some pictures, experiences and articles!

Saturday – March 26, 2011

Saturday evening, my taste tester and I attended a concert.  Closed the store early and drove to UCLA.  The college was hosting an event called “Acoustic Africa”.

Each artist brought their own flavor to the performance.  I don’t know if you are familiar with the Putumayo company, but most CD’s produced by this company are GREAT.  The company itself was established to introduce people to the music of the world’s cultures. It is nice to have a compilation of world music when you are relaxing alone or spending time in a social setting.  I really enjoy music from ALL OVER THE WORLD!  What about you?  Do you like world music?  Do you get out to see performances of any kind? TELL ME! 🙂

The artists received a standing ovation.  I was hypnotized by the performance!  There was so much talent on stage!  Whew!

My taste tester and I drove to our FAVORITE late night spot – PURE LUCK!  To my extreme dismay they closed at 11:00!  They are usually open until midnight!>:( BOO!!!!

We got back in the car and headed home.  On the way home we saw a CRAZY 1 car accident!  Scary!  People were definitely driving drunk! Another BOO!  Don’t get me wrong, I am open to a wonderful cocktail or two but NEVER EVER DRIVE DRUNK!  Know what I mean???

SUNDAY – March 27, 2011

Sunday was the Buena Park Knott’s Berry Farm 10k Snoopy Run.  The race started at 7:00 am which meant we needed to leave by 5:30am.

Something happened between midnight and 6am…My taste tester and I were watching a movie, talking and laughing.

I got up to grab some water.

My taste tester asked “What time we needed to be out of the house?”

I responded 5:30 a.m  Why?  You don’t want to run anymore?

No, I do.  But it’s a little after 6am…

Needless to say we didn’t run! 🙂  We still needed to register and there would not have been enough time.  We went to bed after realizing the time.

We took advantage of being at home and I cleaned the fridge, he did laundry and I rode the bike 11 miles.  It was nice day!


FRIDAY – April 1,2011

Kept the store open until 9pm.  We headed to Whole Foods for pre race/post race goodies!

I wanted to maintain a light and ALL RAW theme until after the race.  We have been drinking rejuvelac and maintaining out rythem in that aspect. I also made a drink that helps us feel really energetic!

Here is our Salad we had for dinner the evening prior to the race!

The next morning we got up at 5am and began our usual stretching, morning elixr and “The Spirit of the Marathon” DVD playing.  I think I am ready for a new RUNNING DVD.  Any suggestions out there???

About 30 minutes before we left I made this MAGIC POTION!


1/2 cup soaked Chia


2 tbs Agave Syrup

2 tbs Cayenne Pepper

Directions:  Place all ingredients in a glass jar.  Make sure the jar you use has a lid.  Once all ingredients are in the jar, Cover it and shake it up. This makes (2) servings. (NOTE: To make the Chia gel – 2 tbs + 1/2 cup water – Allow to soak for 1 hr.)

SATURDAY – April 2, 2010

I attended the RUN SEAL BEACH 5k/10k.

The course receives 2 stars out of 10


  • Everyone out there got up to exercise and experience fitness!
  • The course had A LOT of women show up today!  I always find that SOOOO positive.  I love to see women taking care of themselves, being social, and just pretty much happy!  Women are beautiful and I think it is important to be supportive and kind to each other!  To many people are negative toward other in life.  Let’s all be positive forces during these rather trying times in life and earthwise.
  • A 15 year old holds the course record for the 5k as of today!


  • Horrible course.  We ran along the street and there were STRONG FUMES from all of the vehicles.
  • All of the trash I saw along the way!  Especially the cups! Please runners hold your cup/stash your cup in your pocket! Something! PLEASE DO NOT THROW THE CUP ON THE GROUND! Better yet-come with water in a RECYCLABLE CONTAINER!

This successfully makes the 7th race I have run since December! YEAH!

This weekend is the ARCADIA DERBY 5k – Saturday April 9,2011!  So exciting!  I am also hoping to do the Lake Balboa 10k on Sunday!

I will continue to eat superfoods, chia, and RAW this week!

Check in with you later!

Love and Light!


Kind Love

Hello Longevity Seekers!

How are you today?  Long Living? Living Long? 🙂

The week is easing into SUNSHINE and I am easing into the week pretty nicely.  What about you?  What is the weather like today?

Have you meditated? Visualized?  Even just 5 min – Do it! 🙂  It will help immensely!

This Weekend in L.A…


My taste testers kids were in town this weekend!

One of them – the youngest – performed at the California Metal Fest!

Pretty cool for a kid that is only 14 years old!  EXTREMELY cool to be a ROCK STAR at 14! 😛 GO IZZY!

What made it even better was his older brother graced us with the pleasure of spending the night! 🙂

This is always nice!  I get to cook veggie food for kids and feed a wonderful appetite – healthfully and mindfully! 🙂

Ever since these kids were born my taste tester made sure to put instruments in their hands.  They both seem to be quite successful at keeping music in their lives.  Positive things, positive things!

We have made plenty of “Late Night Craigslist missions” for these guys!  I am happy to see that it is all paying off! Drum pedals, amps, bass cases, etc.  you name it – we have probably gotten it!

Growing up with a supportive parent is one of THE KEY TO SUCCESS! 🙂 Don’t you think?

So that was Saturday and when Sunday arrived it was time for him to go! 😦  Always seems – just a blink of an eye and the kids are gone…but we will see them soon.  I am hoping they will come and experience a race with us!

Although I planned on attending the Claremont Red Cross 10k – that thought was quickly out of my mind once I saw the rain! Heavy Rains!

Since I didn’t attend the race it gave me the opportunity to cook for “Nitro Roc” one last time.


RAW Smoothie attack!!!

Here is my RAW date strawberry banana RAINY SUNDAY smoothie prior to blending!

2 bananas

2 tbl RAW almond butter

8 dates

6 strawberries

1 bottle OXYGIZER water

Directions: Blend ALL INGREDIENTS until smooth!


OXYGIZER improves measurably performance during periods of high physical stress and the resulting regeneration phase. Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Marktl (Head of Science at the Institute of Medical Physiology at Vienna University) and his research team have completed their scientific ergometry tests. Using a randomised double-blind study, these tests have proven the effective infl uence and effect of OXYGIZER on the body’s performance capability.

Additionally, Sunday was the Los Angeles Marathon!


Ethiopia dominated the Los Angeles Marathon on Sunday!


Men’s Division

Markos Geneti ran the 26.2 miles in 2hrs 6mins 35 seconds!

Coming in shortly after Geneti was Nicholas Kamakaya in 2hrs 9min 26sec!

Womens Division

Buzunesh Deba ran the marathon in 2hrs 26mins 34 secs.

Coming in shortly after Deba was Amy Hastings from the USA.  This was her debut in the marathon. She completed the marathon in 2hrs 27min 3sec!

Great going ladies! YOU RULE!

Those are CRAZY times! The male winner also broke the LA Marathon record!

There were a total of 19,626 finishers on Sunday.  11,896 were men and 7,730 were women.

UPDATE MARCH 24, 2011: 19866 Finishers – 12045 M / 7821 F

Exciting stuff! 🙂

Depending on the weather I may run a 10k Sunday.  We’ll see.  I will monitor the weather and figure it out by Saturday evening.

Stay tuned for more Musical Meditations, Race Reviews and Recipes!

I thought I would leave you with this image…


Kind Love ~ Love Kind!

Love and Light!


As noted in the past my wonderful customers bestow ALL kinds of fruits, vegetables and other NATURAL delights!

A few weeks back I was able to fill a few large mason jars with FRESHLY SQUEEZED Orange Juice! 🙂 Delicious! That was the beginning of my JARS FULL OF SUNSHINE! 🙂

A customer stopped by to bring me a bag of oranges and a bag of grapefruits! YEAH! I was able to have 2 more Jars of Sunshine! 🙂 Very EXCITING!


This has made adding Chia Seed to liquid a WONDERFUL ADVENTURE!!!

I am hoping to do another 10k in Claremont this weeked and would like a better time than the previous Sunday.  Fingers Crossed!

Since the CHIA was used by the Aztecs BEFORE they were going to face ANY ENDURANCE CHALLENGE – I figured THAT’S WHAT I NEEDED!!!

Went for a run last night.  Whew.  I only ran 2.75 miles and at about the 2.5 mile mark I felt a challenge to finish.

While running there can be any one thought going through my mind.  I usually use my runs as THERAPY for the week and/or day.  The challenge to finish is ALWAYS THERE in life – It could be any given situation!  So I just listened to my breath and concentrated on what the problem was.  Was I mildly dehydrated?  Were my fuel tanks low/empty?  What was it???

I drank Chia on Tuesday, I also drank the Chia with my orange/grapefruit mix Wednesday.  Do I need to incorporate into my diet longer? Do I need to have MORE Chia then I am having now? Tonight I plan on taking it in right before my run.  Test it on myself.

I must admit I felt a bit rickity upon the initial 15 minutes of my run. That was a concern!  Usually I get out there and get it done on RACE DAY. What was this pain about??? My initial opinion was I am ACIDIC as oppose to ALKALINE.  It is also my opinion that I may have been MILDLY DEHYDRATED and not as ALKALINE as I was on Sunday AM. I’ll get out there and get it done this evening and see where this takes me. Maybe the run was too short.  In retrospect, I don’t usually feel warmed up until mile 4 or 5.  I feel like endurance in the mind isn’t the hard part about this latest adventure in life I have decided to adapt.

The challenge of THIS equation is what is difficult —>


I have taken in more Cacao the last few months than ever before.  Mostly because I know it is a bit of a stimulant and was said to help with endurance.  I usually add it to my smoothies.

While researching the EXACT REASON the Cacao is called a SUPERFOOD, I came across a few articles that were extremely NEGATIVE about this RAW food product.

As I read the theories regarding RAW Cocoa, I began thinking about it’s origin.  Back to the Aztecs and beyond!

Notations of cocoa in History is difficult since many of the codices were destroyed by the early church and conquistadors.

However, the information still available indicates the Aztecs drank chocolate with chili peppers NOT sugar or anything sweet.

I wondered IF the chili’s were added for a reason.  Most people today equate chocolate with sweet rather than hot.  That is unless you are lucky enough to have a mother that made mole – pronounced <MO-LE>.

Growing up my mother made spicy BROWN mole, spicy GREEN mole and other times a beautiful RED HOT HOT HOT mole.  It just depended on what she was feeling.

I digress…sorry!  So I looked up one of the MAJOR ingredients of a CHILI pepper – CAPSICUM! The results I found are interesting!

Capsicum (Digestive, Circulatory), aptly described as the plant that bites back, is a common condiment in certain diets. The plant grows in warm climates and is added to many herbal formulas as a catalyst for the other herbs.

It’s red color is partly due to its high vitamin A content. Capsicum has been used for decades as a catalyst for other herbs. Because Capsicum stimulants circulation and enhances blood flow, it is considered food for the circulatory system, a common condiment to the diet.

As a cardiovascular stimulant, Capsicum assists in lowering blood pressure and breaking down cholesterol buildup. The warming properties of Capsicum are useful for people suffering from poor circulation to the hands and feet and other related conditions.

Capsicum has been used as a digestive aid to ease intestinal inflammation, stimulate protective mucus membranes of the stomach, and also relieve pain caused by ulcers.

Capsicum is commonly used to buffer pain from other ailments, including arthritis, varicose veins, headaches, menstrual cramps and respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Since Capsicum is used as a catalyst in Herbal Medicine.  Why would it not be reasonable the chili’s were added to the drink as the catalyst? In addition to Chia and Cocoa, Spirulina was used the Aztec empire for endurance as well.

All of these endurance foods had to have worked wonders.  I believe they were being taken into the body in all of their NATURAL RAW states. The Chia, Cocoa and the Spirulina.  Corn is also mentioned as an endurance food.  I will test this fact on my body!

Thanks for reading.

I will update my finding! 🙂

Love and Light!


(As I am typing this post a customer just brought me 2 more bags of oranges and grapefruits! 🙂 YES! The universe must be telling me I need to be taking in Vitamin C)

Greetings from the Garden of

Veg888 Love & Kindness!

Hello Longevity Seekers!

As promised here I am with another race tale, a RAW food Recipe & a REVIEW 🙂


The 10k Grunion Run adventure began Saturday March 12 with a drive that would last  1 1/2 hrs! The drive on Saturday was nice and easy.  A bit slow.  My taste tester and I left about 10 am and arrived in Dana Point at about 11:20-ish.  I had NO IDEA it would take us that long to get there, but we needed to register and pick up our bibs for Sunday.

Since the drive took about an hour and a half on Saturday and the race was at 7am Sunday – I knew we had to be out of the house no later than 5:15 am. 😛

We left and began our drive.  Sunday, as you all know, was the first day of the time change! Whew!  We woke up at 4:20 am and did our usual ritual before a race.  Took the Yoga mat out and stretched, had our kick start elixr in the a.m. and played our “Spirit of the Marathon” DVD.

My taste tester is usually the one who pops in the DVD before the races and usually has a small area set up for me to WAKE UP! 🙂  Thank Goodness for the love and understanding a 10 yr relationship can bring you! Whew!

It was still quite dark when we left. As we drove to the race, my taste tester had to use the bathroom.  As we pulled into a parking lot we saw a small bunny go prancing by.  He was so cute with his little cotton tail and brown coat.  I thought to myself, maybe this is a sign we would do this race quickly…

This was the second 10k challenge!  The 10k Pepperdine race had taught me that I needed hydration during a longer run. 😛  I also didn’t like holding the bottle throughout the race.  Again, the benefits of a 10 yr relationship – by mile 4 to the FINISH LINE my taste tester held my bottle for me! 🙂  Yeah!

Since I wasn’t totally convinced he would stick with me this race, I wanted a hydration belt.  So what does someone do when they need reviews and info about any one subject?  Go online and research the hydration belts that are out there!


I found a hydration belt that seemed to suit what I wanted by a company called AMPHIPOD.

I was introduced to this company by my sister and her new husband around X-mas time, when they gifted me a this really cool pouch I could carry my keys, ID and phone in while I run.  It clipped right onto my waist band. The really cool part about the product was that it didn’t bounce around AT ALL!  I figured since it was a good product and all of the reviews stated their belt was the best.  So I thought  I would try their hydration belt.

The belt itself was quite cool.  Initially it was difficult to put the bottle back into the clip and I struggled a bit while I ran, but mid race I moved the bottle to the front and it was ALL smooth sailing after that.  The next 10k race I run, I think I will try one of those bottles that has a grip on it.

What about you readers???  Do you have any thoughts or insights about this???

I filled the bottles with 10 pH water and was sooo happy I did!  Whew! I got thirsty.  I ended up leaving one of the bottles in the car and took one for the run.

Each bottle holds 10 oz of liquid.

The day before I drank a 1/2 gallon of the 10 pH water, had a spirulina shake, a really delicious Chia Drink and ate VERY LIGHTLY.  Veggies mostly.

Here is the Chia Drink

Mamma Chia

A close up…

Arriving at the Race…

We arrived at the beach about 6:00 am.  It was still dark and there was a very calm vibration in the air.  Most of the people running the 10k were in their 30 years plus.  VERY COOL!

Walking toward the Start Line!


This was a fast – mostly FLAT course.  I really enjoyed this run and would like to do it next year. The course was clearly marked.

Miles 1-4 were nice and easy.  I didn’t really hit my “warm up level” until about mile 5.  I did however enjoy the fact that we ended up running more than a 10k!  We ran a total of 6.56 miles.  I felt as though I could have run another 3 miles!  As to if I really could have – well I will have to try that at another time! 🙂 (15k here I come!)

Mile 5

The ocean was so CALM.  This was the first time in a little while that I stopped and took a picture during the race.  At this point I saw I was a bit over an hour.

Sorry for the blurry picture…

I wanted to finish the 10k at 1hr 15min or no more than my last 10k –

I ended up finishing the 10k in the same amount of time, however once I looked down at my Garmin it read 6.56 miles instead of 6.2 miles.  That brought my pace to a 12 min 11 sec mile.  Faster than the Pepperdine which was a 13 min 54 sec mile.  I’ll keep working and working and working!


After the race I had a wonderful Date and RAW Cocoa shake! YUM!

For the next 4 hours I wanted nothing but ALKALINE foods in my system! I figured it was a FABULOUS recovery method! 🙂

I made a Mineral Rich Crust Pizza with Avocado and Jalepeno Hummus! Served it with salad and little tomatoes!

Mineral Rich Crusts…

Topped with Avocado and Hummus…

And finally…

We drank a lot of water and went to bed pretty early!!!


I made my first CHIA drink to enjoy.  This miracle seed is said to help with staying hydrated AND endurance.  How could I not drink this wonderful SUPERFOOD???



1 cup Chia Gel(*)

7-12 Strawberries

Directions:  Place strawberries in blender and blend.  Pour into a mason jar and/or container with a lid.  Shake and Pour!

(*) To make Chia Gel – 2 TBS + 1 CUP WATER = Allow to soak overnight.

*PLEASE NOTE:  You can add agave, date sugar, stevia or any other natural sweetner if you wish.  I liked it au natural*

Thanks for reading! 🙂

Love & Light!


Hello Longevity Seekers! 🙂

I hope you are all well!

The Vernal/Spring Equinox is upon us!  We are about to enjoy a BEAUTIFUL FULL MOON – March 19/20, 2011!

As for me I am hoping to begin a parasite cleanse a few days prior.  Why? Well a few reasons…

1) It is advisable to begin any type of parasite cleanse a few days prior to the full moon when the parasites are busy mating. YUCK!  You can read more of this information HERE.

2) This FULL MOON will be one of the most powerful full moons!  We haven’t seen the moon this close to the earth in 18 years & there is sure to be some sort of natural reaction to this moon cycle.  I am hoping nothing to disastrous for the rest of the world.  At least no more than what has already occurred around the world. 😦

3) I am hoping this next cleanse will help me soar to a better overall higher level in my life.  I hope it will help my running, my mind and overall well being.

Last weekend (March 5, 2011) I ran the Mardi Gras Madness 5k – Valencia, CA.  Better time!! Whoo Hoo!  I will just keep working and working and working! 😛

Here we are at the FINISH LINE!

Before and after the race THIS TIME I drank 2 date shakes with RAW cacao, raw dates, raw almond butter, bananas, and strawberries!

I also thought about a few various tricks to go keep my mind focused during the run and time went by FAST!!!

There were a few hills and it was a fast course!

I hope to make it to the finish line THIS WEEKEND – Grunion Run 10k  – before 1 hr and 10 minutes.

First –  Let’s start with these wonderful STRAWBERRIES a customer gave me!! The NATURAL gifts just keep on comin! 🙂 LOVE IT!

Check out how BIG they are!!! YUM!

I had my taste tester put one in each hand so you could tell how wonderful these were! 🙂

Deliciousness BELOW!


Servings 2

8 Dates

2 tbs RAW Almond Butter

2 Bananas

4 Strawberries


2  cups – 10 pH water

Directions: Blend until smooth!

Tasted just like Neapolitan Ice Cream that had melted! 🙂

Over the weekend (March 13, 2011) I will be running the Grunion Run in Dana Point!  This will be the farthest I have driven for a race.  My taste tester and I will have about a 1hr 20 min drive!  I am sure it will be beautiful!

The race will be at 7am and thus far the earliest a we have ever experienced!

Try the smoothie recipe!  It was yummy!!!!

Thanks for reading!


Hello Longevity Seekers!!!

I hope you are well!

Hope you have had a GREAT week and have some fun HEALTHY meals and activities planned for the weekend!!!

As for me I am planning on running another 5k this weekend!  The Mardi Gras 5k!  I am hoping for a better time AND better pace.  All of the money raised for this event is being donated to the SOAR (Students Off and Running) program in Santa Clarita, CA.

Admittedly I haven’t been running/training as much as I should be. Now that I have noted this fact on my blog and in my brain – things should get better! 🙂

I am really excited to have 4 races DONE and it is only MARCH! 🙂 Totally trying to stick to my goal and run 1+ race a month in 2011!!

At some point I am hoping to change from only road races to road races AND trail races!!!

Have you been meditating out there?  If possible at this moment take at least 5 minutes to calm your mind.  It could mean the difference of snapping or not snapping at an individual throughout the course of your day!!! 🙂

Here is my jar full of sunshine!


The universe continues to reward me with the most divine gifts of avocados, lemons, grapefruits, (2) tangerines and LOTS of oranges!! So spectacular!

My taste tester and I have primarily eaten salads and soup this entire week!  The avocados have been so wonderful!!!  It feels nice on my tummy!  LOVE SALAD! FRESH! RAW! POWER!

I have also been enjoying better sleep.  I ‘m not one to have trouble – generally, however with all the emotion I was expending while my cousin was ill and his untimely death – I couldn’t sleep.  Things are ALOT better now!

In other news…

Cafe Gratitude opened it’s doors to Southern California this week!  For those of you in the BAY AREA you have been quite LUCKY for some time to have this restaurant in your area!  It is GREAT to see more and more restaurants opening in Southern California that support RAW &  VEGAN LIFESTYLES!!!  YEAH! 🙂 A visit and taste test SURE to come!!!

California is “organic land of opportunity” according to an article by Food  You can catch the article by clicking on California!  The article indicates a 10% growth for the demand of organic foods and notes that the demand (at the moment) far exceeds the supply.  This sounds great for the state of California, but I am curious what your thoughts are as readers?

And to end this post in a positive note…this is a GREAT article about a Healing Center in BC.  Not only does this article outline what is being offered at the Center BUT it also add some REALLY GREAT ADVICE! 🙂  You can read this article HERE – Eat Raw, Breathe and Sweat!

Thanks for READING THIS BLOG! 🙂  I love you even if I don’t know YA! 🙂

Love and Light!


This weekend was quite an adventure indeed!

Life is a series of roller coasters!

Up and down the emotions go,

to the right and to the left the adventures wind –

sometimes slow…

Never knowing if you will be left in a bind,

No matter what happens – you just have to know

You are being kept in mind – Be strong! Be healthy!

Live in Love and Light – Lovin – Livin – Life can be out of sight!


Friday was my cousins funeral.  He was 48 years old.  A father, a husband but most of all a FUNNY FUNNY GUY! 🙂

I listened to the pastor, friends and colleagues speak of impressions, experiences and kindness he displayed throughout his existence.  I’m happy I knew him and had the opportunity to enjoy his personality and it was wonderful knowing this soul!

I send his soul love and light now.  The moment his breathe left that day – his soul left.

Yoga teaches us to face death before it ever happens.  It teaches that death is not finite, but instead another experience.  A new journey to open ourselves up to.  My cousin is onto his next phase of soul work.


We opened the store as usual.  In the evening, my taste tester and I went to the Luckman Theater – Cal State Los Angeles.

Paco Pena was performing!

For those of you who don’t know who that is… He is a Flamenco guitarist hailing from Cordoba, Spain! He plays traditional Spanish folk music and plays with Flamenco dancers and singers in a traditional setting.

Great Music + GREAT FLAMENCO DANCERS = Great Time by all!

We had invited my sister and her husband for a night out on the town!  They really enjoyed the performance!  That made me really happy.

It was nice to see the dancers and enjoy the music.  It took me to a different part of my mind I had totally forgotton about until that moment!

My mind skipped to a time when I was young and experiencing Spain for the first time.  I was 11 years old and was able to experience Flamenco Dancers and Singers in a small cave/tavern type of setting.  It was the first visit to Europe we would make as a family.  I remembered the olives and tapas from that night long ago.  The brightly colored sangria in the pitchers on the table.  The sliced oranges, cloves and various other cut fruit.  The candles dancing off of the glasses and walls – while I watched the women dancing and the singers mesmerizing everyone in the room!  The women were SO beautiful and the ambience was absolutely HYPNOTIC!

There was a 20 minute intermission and then another hour long performance on Saturday! What a treat! 2 hrs of Flamenco dancers, singers, and guitarists!!!

After the performance we ventured over to Pure Luck in Hollywood!

I had the Fiesta Plate!  My taste tester had his usual Jackfruit Burrito.  We had dinner and went straight home.  We needed to get up early since we were running our first 8k.  It seemed like a perfect race for someone who is into 8’s! 🙂 Right?


The 8k was located in Brea, CA which is approximatley 35-45 minutes away.  The race started at 8:00am and we still had to pick up our bibs and timing chips for our shoes!

We left the house at 6:15 am.  We woke up to 32 degree weather with frosted windshields and icy sidewalks!!! Brrr!!!

We dressed accordingly and we were off!

We arrived at 7:20 am – parked and headed to registration check in!

My bib number was 1718.  Once I did the math 1+7=8+9=17=8 and ended up with an 8 I knew great success was at hand!!!  Love the 8’s!!! Very lucky sign!!! I dedicated the race to the memory of my cousin Rick!

He died February 13, 2011 – The day of the Firecracker Race and he was buried on Friday February 25, 2011.  It seemed only right to run in his memory! Something positive in his memory I thought!

As always everyone was ULTRA positive and kind! 🙂  Much less people than I had seen in a while.  That was nice!!!  No problems with bathrooms or anything like that! YES!

Here is the START line!

The actual start line was approximately .25 mile away from our place in line!  There were a total of 2700+ entires – much less than the Chinatown Firecracker race! It worked out well!

The Course

The course was a series of 3 hills.  One being Heart Rate Hill!  Ok yeah! Wish I has known about THAT HILL!  It was alright though.  I made it!

The initial hill took us through a bit of a residential neighborhood and looped around the Brea Marketplace.  We then went around another residential area – a bunch of condos and up a small hill.  We then did another loop and went on to the base of Heart Rate hill!  After Heart Rate hill we did a straight a way for about .75 of a mile and looped around another neighborhood, another hill before we headed over to the FINISH line.  I was happy.  I completed the 5 mile/8k race in 1 hr 3 seconds.

I will definitely do this race again next year!

Psst…I am determined to make Heart Rate Hill my B*%@#! 🙂

As we traveled home I saw the most beautiful snow topped mountains!  That is not a usual occurrence for us here is Southern California!!!

I actually saw a few people from the Pepperdine Run in January so that was cool! 🙂  If I see them again I will definityly say HELLO!

Once we went home I made a huge salad with avocado, salsa and FRESH GREENS!!!

We also enjoyed a large glass of REJUVELAC! 🙂  Yes still brewing Rejuvelac! 🙂

About an hour later I served a halved avocado to my taste tester and topped it with some salsa.  Finished the laundry and made another salad!!! We had a total of 3 large salads on Sunday! Each with Avocado and tomatoes and tahini dressing!  It wasn’t until the evening that we had asparagus with a mushroom medly! (Garlic, Shitake, Portobello, Lobster, Crimini and Maitake mushrooms!)  It was great.  Went to bed at 10:30pm and woke up 12 hours later on Monday! 🙂

Thanks for reading!!!

Love and Light!

What did you do this weekend?

Have you dealt with a loss of a loved one recently?

Let me know! Give me a shout out! 🙂


Hello Longevity Seekers!

Monday proved to be a positive day! YEAH!!!

Opened the store as usual, however I did close early to CELEBRATE VALENTINES DAY in a Macrobiotic Culinary Style!!!

In a city that goes to bed A LOT earlier than… oh let’s say – San Francisco, NY and beyond; it is becoming increasingly easy to find VEGAN Tastings  and restaurants to enjoy after 9pm.

Definitely a positive thing!!!

The Vegan movement in Los Angeles is GROWING!! I am happy to see the youth embracing a kinder way of  living and MUCH HEALTHIER EATING HABITS!  The youth of today will take on the responsibilities of the next generations to come. So, the healthier they are – THE MORE MINDFUL THEY WILL BE! (At least I hope…:))

Closed the store at 8:00 and headed to a Vegan Macrobiotic Tasting held at a restaurant named Shojin.  You can read about our other culinary delights from Shojin HERE.

Little Tokyo is just a hop skip and a jump from our shop.  There were so many choices for A VEGAN Valentines Day Food Feast.  My taste tester and I decided to pick Shojin since it is SO CLOSE to the store and we LOVED our Thanksgiving Tasting Menu! 🙂

This restaurant is a wonderful addition to the culinary delights located in the City of Los Angeles!  If you are local try this restaurant! 🙂  If you aren’t – the next time you happen to find yourself in Los Angeles – TRY SHOJIN! 🙂

We arrived a little early and enjoyed the solitude of the mini mall.

As we waited, we talked about some new goals we have as a couple, some changes we would like to make concerning our lifestyle, and some great ideas about our next Vegan function!

Although we waited 10-15 minutes to be seated – it was nice to sit and relax and just take in the calmness of the vibrations! 🙂

We were seated and the ambiance was absolutely DELIGHTFUL!!!  The staff was so kind!


Crispy Pink Maitake Mushroom & Bruschetta served with onion crisps

Roasted Cauliflower with Green Pesto

Sweet Balsamic Marinated Orange Pepper &

Dried fruits with creamy cashew sauce


Leek  Consomme

Look at how beautiful this presentation is!

My taste tester and I couldn’t help but toast spoons! 🙂


Love Salad with Blood Orange Vinaigrette

My Love Salad…

My Taste Testers Love Salad…


Savory Vegetable pie with Pink Velvet Sauce

Lemony Winter Greens

Penne Pomodoro

While we waited for dessert to be served I took the opportunity to snap this picture!


Raspberry Chocolate Cake

The food was EXCELLENT!  Great place to share with the one you love! 🙂

Before we left the staff gave us a Valentines Day Balloon and 3 Great Smiles!!!

Thanks Shojin for a WONDERFUL EVENING!!!

I will begin with…


I hope you are all rested and feeling good today! 🙂  Much love to you and your families!!!

This weekend was pretty busy!

Opened the store on Saturday and then went to a Birthday Party for my wonderful sister.  It was her 40th!!!  My taste tester and I left about 11:00pm from the restaurant and were in bed by Midnight.

Get up – It’s 6:20…said my taste tester

I sleepily opened my eyes.  It was race day and I wondered what I would learn from this race.  Agh! I wanna sleep some more…

I told my body – Get out of the bed and get ready…Yawn!

Alright I’m ready…


Each race has taught me something new about myself.  Well, this one taught me A LOT about the  City of Los Angeles races, FALSE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS, determination, etc.

We began the race with a steep hill and ended the race with steep downhill!!!

The initial .25 mile of the race was a straight away.  The 1.25 – 1.5 mile was an ABSOLUTE UPHILL CHALLENGE!!! We climbed 200 ft in elevation.

It was entirely upsetting to many people in the race!  I kept hearing people saying:

“@#!%*…this isn’t like the online description at all!” Huff Huff

“How long are we going to go up this hill?  Huff Huff – Oh my gosh – we still have to climb up to the top parking lot of the stadium? Pant Pant

The course led to the top parking lot of Dodger Stadium!  It was BRUTAL. Not that I was unable to do it, but the road had small pebbles and many people began slipping and falling! 😦 It was starting to bother me mentally.  I must have seen 4-5 people fall within a 12-14 minute period!

After the initial 2 mile mark (ALERT thanks to my GARMIN – NOT THE USUAL RACE MARKERS!) Which I thought this kinda sucks.  We are declining rapidly down a hill people are slipping on…

Once my Garmin beeped at mile 2 – I felt alright.  I thought, although this race seems to be going at an INTENSE rate, I am soooo GLAD I committed to the 5k and NOT the 10k! Whew! 6.25 miles uphill? No thank you!

Yes it was quite challenging.  I ended the race in 40 minutes and 16 seconds.  Which I suppose isn’t too bad since it was ALL UPHILL!!! I was okay.  I don’t know IF I will do this race EVER AGAIN, BUT I am glad I finished it and saw it through. 🙂

Overall thoughts:

CONS:I saw many people cut across the loop, I saw people not even do the hill and wait for their friends to come down the hill, I also saw more dogs at this race.  Never before had I seen people have their pooches with them.  The race officials didn’t have enough PORT A POTTIES for people.  It was very disorganized in terms of the course being outlined.  Not many cones – human sheilds. BIG TEAZE OF A RACE!!!

PROS: Young Adults 18 – 28 were in FULL EFFECT!!! That made me happy and hopeful! 🙂  Happy they were out there taking care of their bodies and enjoying life.  Adults 65-80 years old were out in FULL EFFECT as well. YES!!! Photo Booth for all entrants!!! 🙂

My taste tester ran the race as well.  His time was 38 minutes 33 seconds.  AWESOME!!!

We went home and ate and showered.

Since it was the 13th I was scheduled to go to lunch with my sister and her NEW husband for her official 40th party with JUST FAMILY. Unfortunately, all of that was called off.

My cousin passed away at approximately 3pm on Sunday. 😦 Sad.




I love you Grady!!!

You will always be my FIRE CAT!!!

Does anyone remember Gary Gnu???

Hello ! This is Gary Gnu…

Gary Gnu was a puppet.  He appeared on television and gave the “news” via a show called “The Gary Gnu Show”.  It was televised during the VERY EARLY a.m. hours of the day.  I may be aging myself with this one but I thought I would share his picture before I gave my own “Veg-Gnu-Chia-Goo” Review! 🙂

“Veg-Gnu-Chia-Goo” Review! 🙂

I spent the last week reading a book called “Born to Run”.

This book covered really interesting points in fact and diet.

It is a fast and easy read.

Engaging, while at the same time humerous.  Many of the descriptions of various theories will open a few areas in the mind and stimulate thought in others.

The book is about a place and time within the contemporary human experience.

As humans on this planet we must remember we have the ability to experience absolutely anything we would like to.  Our only barrier is our mind.  Our mind controls so much of our actions.  Some good and some bad.  Figuring out that “Daily Balancing Act” is the best thing we can do for ourselves.  Love others, while continuing to LOVE OURSELVES. Being kind and patient.  Believing in Karma and knowing that what’s done in the dark – must come to light. All the theories we have all experienced by the time we are in our teens.  It just takes some of us longer to be AWARE of our inner conciousness.  Don’t you think?

The book tells the tale of 1 man traveling into the deep Sierra Madre mountains in Mexico.  He runs within the mountain ranges of the mountains and answers questions to the cause of injuries, endurance (mental/physical), strength (mental/physical), and diet thanks to the Native Raramuri / Tarahumara Indians.

I was encouraged by the RAW Food and Vegan Food Movements covered in this book.  Vegan Ultra-runners, Chia Seed, and Pinole were some additions to the Veg888 Kitchen!  Stay tuned!  I was also happy to see many of the statements were fully researched and were not just vague statements of ethereal situations.

Although the Spanish translations are a bit off, you can get the idea of what the energy was in any situation the author shares with you.

The presentation of information was great.  I will look for more articles written by Christopher McDougall – author of this book.

I would also like to mention his thanks and gratitude to those that supported him emotionally and financially.  It is nice to see when someone remembers to say PLEASE and THANK YOU! 🙂

If you are a reader and enjoy a good story then I would say this is a definite read!


Tomorrow I will be running another 5k.  It is in the Chinatown District of Los Angeles.  The course is an uphill course for both the 5k & the 10k.

The race begins in Chinatown and ascends up the hill to Dodger Stadium. I will review the race this coming week.

Veg888 Kitchen Update

I have continued to take E3 live and I am still brewing REJUVELAC! 🙂 Maintenance with this elixr seems easier than the Water Kefir.  Although I have no idea why?

I hope you are all doing well!

I send you LOVE and LIGHT!


Hello Longevity Seekers! 🙂

How are you? It has been over a week since I last posted! Hard to believe it has taken me 4 days to finish this 1 post!

This will be a post full of pictures, happiness and love!

I had mentioned in my last posting HERE I was having a Vegan Event in honor of International Vegan Pizza Day – January 29, 2011!  I think I also mentioned what a fast pace the week had been taking on ~ An energy unto itself so to speak…

So…I will begin with Thursday.


Since my taste tester and I were hosting the first (of many – fingers crossed) Veg888 Blog Event, we wanted an area which was inviting, calm and most of all relaxing!

We decided we would host the event outside in the patio area of the shop.

We had an entire week to prepare for absolutely EVERYTHING!  In the middle of my crazy week – I received an email from the race I was planning to do in January.  Guess which day?  January 29, 2011! :/

So, once I broke this news to my wonderful taste tester, we knew there was SO MUCH WE NEEDED TO DO! Whew!

I called to have chairs delivered, a porta potty, and a dj were the main elements we wanted to ensure before anything else was done.  The rest-as they say- was UP TO US!

About a year ago we wanted an awning for the back patio area.  We called around.  ALL of the quotes we received were going to cost us $1,300 – $2,500.  At the time we felt that was WAY TOO MUCH to pay. So what does any business person do?  Look for one on CRAIGSLIST! 🙂

We found an awning the same measurements we wanted for only $100. 🙂 Woo Hoo!  Sure it said some random name on it…but that’s okay.  I thought it would add to the charm.  The tables we have acquired are ALL different, so I thought sure – why not?

I had attempted to hire people to hang the awning prior to now, however something always fell through! 😦 We were really pressed for time so we put some energy out there and voila!  A customer said he could hang the awning! 🙂

We arrived at the store about 10am…the awning was up by 11 am! YES!!! The awning took a large part of the patio away from us being able to move things around, tend plants, etc.  I am really glad we were able to find some help for my taste tester and get that awning up! LOVE PROGRESS!

Wall before the Awning goes up!

Here we are half way through it…

And finally ready for the BIG DAY!

Throughout the day on Thursday we talked about all of the things we needed to have done by Saturday afternoon!  And let me tell you THERE WAS A PLETHORA!

We just kept going over our guest list, plates, glasses, water, salad, chairs, tables, etc.  I figured if we talked about it daily, there would not be any last minute problems!


By Friday evening we were pretty much set as far as the particulars, but there was still LOTS to do to fix the patio area!  Move a BUNCH of plants, sweep, figure out the configuration, etc…

Here is the patio area prior to any movement…

I still had to tend the store and get ready for race day.  I decided I would make a RAW dinner for us the evening before the race!

I decided on an OLDY but GOODY!  MARINATED KALE  SALAD with mushrooms and tomatoes! YUM!  Besides, my wonderful customers have been giving me lots of lemons and Avocados! Perfect for a PRE RACE MEAL!

Marinated Kale Salad

1 Bunch Lacinto Kale

1/2 cup Crimini Mushrooms, sliced

2 Medium Organic Tomatoes

1/4 Apple Cider Vinegar

1/4 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice

1 clove garlic, minced

3 splashes Sesame Seed Oil

Spike to taste..

Directions: Mix liquid ingredients together in a SMALL bowl and whisk together.  In a LARGE bowl add the entire bunch of chopped kale.  While you are chopping the Kale, add the mushrooms and tomatoes to the “dressing” and allow to sit for 30 minutes, plus.  (Overnight has a nice heightened flavor) Add the dressing, mushrooms and tomatoes on top of the Kale and massage everything with your hands!  Allow to sit for 15 minutes and enjoy!!!

We were in bed by 12 midnight! Which is REALLY early for us! 🙂


We woke up at 5:00am that morning.  I meditated after I woke up.  I wanted a CALM day, although I knew it was going to be ACTION PACKED until about 2 am – which was about the time I thought people would start leaving the event we were hosting.

The Race

Pepperdine University Coastal 5k/10K Run-Walk – Dockweiler State Beach – Playa Del Ray, California

We arrived at Dockweiler State Beach about 7:45am and checked in.  My taste tester decided he would run the race with me that morning, which again, I would say was an INSPIRATIONAL moment for me!  He amazes me all of the time! Which NOW that I think about it he has amazed me everyday for the last 10 years! 🙂

At approximately 8:00 am I checked in, picked up my number and Long Sleeve T-Shirt.

I found the environment to be really calm that day.  Although there were more people attending the Venice Christmas run, I felt people were nicer and calmer at this event.  There were also MANY MORE PICTURES of this event.  Everyone was included in the pictures – not just the beautiful, elite runner, etc!

We headed to the START LINE and waited for our “kick off”.

View from the Start Line!!!

I wondered if I would finish tired?  Would I still be running?  Would I be walking? I went in knowing I hadn’t realistically EVER run 6 miles prior to this race.  Sure I wanted to BUT I never did.

Up until the day of the race, the longest run I had done was 4.25 miles on Thursday prior to the race.   I felt good, so I thought why not do the 10k! 🙂 And so I did!

Race Time!

I began the race thinking “slow and easy” missy.  I felt good. I had been taking in Rejuvelac and E3 Live ALL WEEK and knew this would help.  I also took in a few other goodies that morning.  Some Goji Berries, Gooseberries, Raw Cacao, a Banana and some dates.

By mile 3 I felt good.  Still running “slow and easy” and I was able to keep my time.  We decided we would use the Essentia water throughout the race.  NOTE TO SELF: Find a better water transport system the next time.  I didn’t like holding the bottle AT ALL!  I switched hands a few times during the race, but all in all it ended up alright.

By mile 4 and 5 I felt good as well! 🙂  The only negative part of the race quite honestly was the putrid smell that came from the waste stations we ran by during miles 3 and 4.  The last mile from 5.2 – 6.2 was LONG! Maybe it seemed long since it was at the end of the race, or maybe it was the visual of the pink tape and cones.  By mile 5.98 I was thinking…this is still going on?  Not that further but I can’t see the finish line?  Oh there it is – Oh I’m past it – Where’s my taste tester?  I finished!  OH HIT THE GARMIN and STOP THE TIME!  BEEP – 1hr 20 minutes! What? 10 minutes sooner than you thought? YES!  You did it! 🙂 You made it!  You started with a goal and made it!!!!

Finishing the 10k in 1 hr 20 min.  actually surprised me!  I thought for sure I would have been at a hour and half or more! So that was pretty good!  My pace was 13:04.  Although 1 min slower than my last pace time at the December Christmas Venice Run I ran a longer distance!

I would like to get to a faster pace, but I know it will take time, perseverance and strength training!

Just then a THOUGHT – Oh hurry! Gotta get to the house and shower!!!

Our snack right after the race consisted of more bananas, more dates, mineral rich crusts, rejuvelac with E3 live and pH10 Essence water.

We got home, showered, and ventured off to the store! The minute we got to the store I opened the store and my taste tester got to work outside.

I decided to close 2 hrs early on Saturday.  I wanted to help my taste tester set up the tables.  We also needed to get our pizzas, set up the plates, and other necessities we would need for the event. Whew!

By 8:30 pm we were done with everything!  The chairs had been delivered at 6pm, the porta pottie came at 4pm and the DJ arrived about 8pm.  Tables were in place, pH water was chilled, and even the Champagne was ready!

Here is the menu for the event…

I know the date is wrong...:( That's what happens when you rush!

The back patio has a kiosk.  The kiosk is complete with a fridge, espresso machine, and various other amenities.  You can see the inside here…

Here is an outside look of the kiosk after all of the plants had been moved and before we set up the tables!!!

Here were are later in the evening ready with umbrellas and tables!!!

We had planned for the event to begin at 9:00 pm and end at 2am.  Now, usually when I would be invited to a party I would have arrived about 10 or so.  People were at the shop right at 9pm!  That was exciting.  It told me the environment of health and relaxation IS NEEDED in this area! 🙂

As you see on the menu above we had various kinds of Vegan Pizzas! 🙂


Just Vegan Cheese…

Pesto with Spinach & Tomatoes…

Mushroom and Fresh Tomatoes…Somehow I didn’t get a picture of this one???


We also served Champagne, pH Water and/or Coconut Juice!  Here are the glasses we used!

Everyone seemed to enjoy the fact they were glass, rather than plastic!  I thought it was stylish!!!

Here is the DJ rockin it with one of the guests!

All in all is was a very successful day!!! I am pleased people showed up for the occasion.  There was lots of love in the air that night and we were able to relax with many of the guests!

Our next event will be a Vegan Taco Night and I think I will invite more than 20 guests.  It was the first event held in the patio area of the store and I needed to see what it would be like.  How it would flow – but most of all what would it look like with 20 people in the patio??? Crowded? Was 20 to many?  Those types of things!

I will update when that happens! 🙂

We went home after a very long day and went right to bed!!!! Interestingly enough we woke up at 10am Sunday!

We went on a drive and came home to rest and relax the rest of day.

I will leave you with this wonderful image of this guy we saw as we drove up to our house!

What a proud guy this was!!! I love the fact that there are peacocks  near our home!!! 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Love & Light!


“Anything in Life is Possible,

if YOU Make it Happen!”

~Jack LaLanne

I couldn’t let today pass without mentioning the incredible work this man dedicated his life to!

Fitness, Health & Life!

What a beautiful concept! Although he is no longer in this dimension ~ He is now eternal.

I respected what this man did.  He spoke of the most important equation in life!


Jack LaLanne spoke of the importance of juice, a vegetarian diet.  So many facets of health were brought forth through this man! Weight lifting, swimming, stretching! Beauty!



Veg888 Kitchen Updates!

Here some action shots from the Veg888 Kitchen!

Wonderful Avocados, Oranges, and 2 smoothies with E3 Live and Rejuvelac!!!

This is the newest E3 live product we have been trying in the Veg888 Kitchen!  Love this stuff! definitely felt the difference! 🙂

Here is the flour I made from the dried wheat berries!  Next I grinded flax seeds and mixed in a bit of rejuvelac!

The finished product was the following – Here they were in the Dehydrator for approx. 12 hrs…

I also received a really nice gift from a customer!  Check this stuff out!

This stuff was so Completely AWESOME!!! Chia seeds and Wheat Berries!  Thanks to this wonderful customer I was able to make rejuvelac with wheat berries again! 🙂 The REJUVELAC flavor isn’t too different between buckwheat and wheat berries! I like them both!  The only difference is the smell!  The buckwheat smells a bit sweeter.

It has been a few days since I last posted, Life has been going at a pretty fast pace.  I am also planning a Vegan Pizza Day Fiesta ~ January 29, 2011.

Although not a RAW FOOD function, I am attempting to bring awareness of Vegan Foods to the community.  A few months ago I posted a sign in my store…

I was able to compile a list of people by posting this sign.  Sadly only 4 of the 15 I invited have RSVP’d.  I hope no one just shows up…:/

I sent postcards out to 6 pizza places in the Los Angeles area.  Only (1) of the places said they would give me 30% off my pizza order.  Which is WAY cool! 🙂  The others didn’t respond at all – HOW RUDE!  and the last told me they would only offer a percentage off IF I was attempting to place animals and having a function for animal placement ALONE. 😦

I asked these restaurants to offer a PERCENTAGE OFF -or- DONATE a FREE PIZZA!

I will leave you with this saying by our dear friends Jack LaLanne’s words!

Your Health Account is Your Wealth Account! Long Live  – Living Long! ~ Jack LaLanne

Love and Light!



Talk about feeling like I LACKED! And definitely the Healing Elixr of 2011 on the Veg888 Food Blog!

Luckily, I had buckwheat on hand and was able to sprout it! 🙂

Sprouted the buckwheat and made REJUVELAC in the usual three batch method.  LOTS AND LOTS of jars in the FRIDGE! YES!

Did I feel a difference without the REJUVELAC?


Although I was quite busy last week, the emotional strain of the week, compounded with no LIFE in my body was horrible! (RE: Rejuvelac – still had live foods of other sorts!-salad, E3 Live, etc)

Last Monday I received a call from my mother telling me about a family member going into the hospital.  Since this is the only forum where I share EVERYTHING, I thought I would tell you what has been happening.

My cousin was admitted into the hospital Sunday evening with a swollen liver and extreme fluid retention.  Within 12 hours the entire family was called and informed he had 3 hours to live. 😦

Now, me being me I knew that this is and was totally NUTRITIONAL! or I suppose LACK THEREOF!  It hurt me.

It hurt me to know what his body was going through.

It hurt me that he isn’t even 50 years old and his liver was that of a severe 70 year old alcoholic.

It hurt me that I don’t speak to him unless I happen to come across him at a family function.  Which in and of itself is a RARE OCCURANCE!

To cut a LONG STORY SHORT…HE IS ALIVE AND WELL! 🙂  Not out of the woods so to speak, but coming back!

All last week my taste tester and I sent him healing energy and just kept telling him to fight and live!

I had been telling my taste tester that I felt like something was going to happen.  I didn’t know what and I couldn’t tell to whom…

I never expected it to be him.  Not because of any reason other than his age, I don’t see him.  Etc.

So, I don’t know how I will reach him but I will try.  If nothing else maybe tell him “You are loved and love yourself!  Take your life and nutrition to an entire NEW LEVEL! Love You cousin and I hope you will read this one day! 🙂

Now on to the Veg888 Kitchen Update:

The rejuvelac made out of buckwheat is quite sweet smelling, however tastes the same! 🙂

I am currently sprouting some wheat berries and will make the next batch from wheat.  I am planning on trying the Quinoa next.  I saw a BLACK quinoa at Whole Foods the other day and may mix the red and black together. 🙂

What will I do with the sprouted buckwheat you ask?


I found a great recipe in the Brendan Brazier book “Thrive Fitness”!  I will be making these tonight and hope to update tomorrow.

What about the wheat sprouts I dried?  I will have to update with my pictures tomorrow, however for the time being, I will tell you! 🙂

First I placed the DRIED the wheat sprouts (Thanks to my Excalibur), I then placed the dried wheat sprouts into the Food Processor which turned into a FLOUR!  I then made a dough with the wheat flour, olive oil and sage.  From this dough I made 2 bagels, 2 pizza crusts and 1 “french” loaf.  They were in the Dehydrator for 5 hours on Sunday and another 4 hours yesterday.

I will update my pictures of culinary delights tomorrow!

In other news of the Veg888 Kitchen – CHIA!

Now yes I have spoken about Chia before, however I would like to discuss it a little more and discuss what my plans are for the next two weeks as I get ready for the 10k I hope to do on January 29, 2011.

The initial post I did regarding CHIA seed is HERE!

Chia gel causes a slow release of carbohydrates and an equally slow converting of carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar) for energy. The outer layer of chia seeds is rich in mucilloid-soluble fiber, intended to keep the seeds from drying out in desert air. When chia seeds are mixed with water or stomach juices, a gel forms that creates a physical barrier between the carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down. The carbohydrates are digested eventually, but at a slow and uniform rate. There is no insulin surge or spike needed to lower the blood sugar level after eating chia.

I am hoping to do at least 12 races this year.  Maybe one a month.  Not all 5k and 10k’s.  There is a 13.1 Half Marathon hosted by Disneyland in Anaheim.  That seems quite interesting to me.  Least a fun filled day! 🙂 Although known as the happiest place on earth…it will be the most tiring place on earth that day! 🙂  I am sure there are many PARENTS who feel that at the end of the day with their KIDS! Am I right?

I’m just really trying to be fit and centered. Whew!  That is always a challenge, however it is one that I am up and ready to do!

I ran on Sunday.  38 minutes for the usual course.  1 minute off of the New Years time and 3 minutes OFF of the desired time.  I will hope to add .25 miles each day until next Wednesday.  The race falls on a Saturday and I am hoping to be up to 4-5 miles by then.  Considering that the race is a 6 mile race, I certainly should be ready! 😛 (Fingers Crossed!)

I didn’t run last night since I had to get some paperwork ready for my taste tester.  He needed to be ready and out the door by 8am so we were in bed pretty early! (least early for us!)

I will run this evening and update tomorrow!

Love and Light!


Vegan – Vegetarian – Raw Food…




This is what defines the Veg888 Blog.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for reading this blog and opening your mind to a different PATH TO LIFE.

It is important to have your mind and energy channels open to change, love and light!  SMILE when possible, EAT HEALTHY as much as possible and seek knowledge DAILY…

Which brings me to a few interesting stories I have come across in the blogosphere/internet news travels…

1) Lululemon Athletica Inc. reached an all time HIGH yesterday in the financial world! Their stock ended the day at $72.85 per share!  What a business the Yoga world has become.  Although a high priced clothing store – their advertisement strategies and sponsorships will keep them going! I won’t sight any links specifically, but if you do a general NEWS SEARCH you will see what I am talking about.  (MANY MARKET ANALYSTS WERE WRONG ABOUT THE POTENTIAL GROWTH FROM OCTOBER TO THE CURRENT DAY!!!)  Is it safe to guess MANY OF THEM have never been to a Yoga class???

2) Vegetarian Times will be raising their RATE BASE twice in 2011.  It is currently at a 250,000 rate base.  It will jump to 275,000 rate base this month and be at 300,000 rate base by September 2011.  Why the change?  “Brisk newsstand and subscription sales, says the publisher, triggered the increase..” They also said ” The publisher attributes a strong vegetarian market, with a growing awareness of the diet and lifestyle contributing to a 15 percent ad page increase over the last two years.” Do you order this magazine?  I think it is a positive step that society is opening their eyes to this wonderful way of life! What do you think?

3) According to the Washington Post a Vegan Diet is becoming more MAINSTREAM! Read that article HERE!  YEAH! 🙂

Don't represent VegParadise...Liked the Graphic! 🙂

4)HERE is a list of FILMS ABOUT THE “FOOD CHAIN” and why we should be more health conscious and turn to a Vegan Diet.  Personally I enjoy films about food and the wonderful results it can have on a sick/diseased body (RAW for 30 Days, Food Matters, SUPERCHARGE ME) but I felt you may find this list interesting.  I haven’t been able to get passed the first 15-20 minutes of “The Cove” or “Earthlings”, but that’s just me.  It hurts my heart.  What about you?  Have you seen these films?  What did you think?

5) Raw Food – On the Raw food news front – Matthew Kinney @ 105 Degrees Restaurant will be adding organic cooked foods to the restaurants menu.  Although they will continue to serve RAW food, the necessary addition of COOKED FOOD does not surprise me. Let’s just hope that DOES NOT INCLUDE MEAT!  – In other news – HERE is an article regarding the treatment of IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome) with RAW ORGANIC FRUITS & VEGETABLES!

6) HERE is an article about fuel and recovery with Natural food.  Although not an article on running, it is an article to take note of regarding various insights on nutrition + sport = great time, experience and healing for the body!

And in the Veg888 Kitchen…

The buckwheat had begun to sprout! 🙂  Rejuvelac here I come – AGAIN! 🙂 YES!!! I must admit that I can feel a difference without my beloved REJUVELAC!!!

Thanks for reading!

Love and Light!


Light the lamp of mind

& dispel the darkness of egoity.

Extinguish the fire of wrath

and brighten all lamps within.

Thenceforth alike,

the mind’s lightis an undying lamp indeed.

There is an inner power within us all that exists in the sub concious mind.

It is the place where ALL MANIFESTATION comes from.

It is where you will find YOUR POWER and YOUR GRACE to enter into any positive and or negative places in life.

It is the birthplace of tendencies…

I have read books regarding the subconscious mind.  How to cleanse the subconscious, how to re-program the subconscious, and how to use it to your advantage to meet goals in life.

It is also the place where YOU truly exist.  YOUR SOUL – Everything you have experienced in your life lies here.  Some information states our subconscious carries all of our experiences from ALL of our lives!

It is an important moment and enlightening time in your life when you realize this.  From this point forward you will not see things the same way.

If you believe that you are a manifestation OF life – INTO life you have begun your work.

If you believe in a higher power, then you know you will be able to excel and become ONE with your entire being!

Take at least 5 minutes to quiet the mind and breathe.  It helps cleanse the mind and in turn calms the nervous system.  Once the nervous system is calm you OPEN the gateway to beauty, change, love and light! 🙂



Project “Oat Groats” is officially over and officially a FAILURE! 😦

Why?  Because Oat Groats DON’T SPROUT!!!  Only Oat Seeds sprout!

I scoured the internet to find out what was up…I found THIS thread about the entire explanation regarding sprouting Oats.  I decided to soak some buckwheat and make rejuvelac out of the sprouted buckwheat.  I know I will be able to sprout the buckwheat! 🙂  I wonder if it will taste different!?

I am on my last jar of Rejuvelac made from the Wheat Berries!  The bin was empty last night when I went to the store, so I decided on BUCKWHEAT!

I can’t believe how much I have been consuming.  Whew!  I definitely feel a HUGE difference!  I have had it non-stop since the initial batch was made a few weeks ago.  At this point I don’t want to suspend efforts.  I think I may have to purchase some pre made rejuvelac until the Buckwheat batch is ready.  Anticipated time before I can have HOMEMADE REJUVELAC…3-4 days!  2 days to sprout – 2 days to brew! FINGERS CROSSED!!!

It will be interesting to see how my running is effected without the REJUVELAC!!


I ran 3 days last week.  I am staying under 39 minutes since New Years Eve.  Most of the lights have been taken down and there aren’t any interesting pics lately.  I do admit I wish I had taken a picture of the cute skunk I saw the other night, but I felt it better to leave him alone! 🙂

I still need to experience a 5 mile run.  I am hoping to experience that sometime between Thurs – Sunday.

I have also been lifting Free Weights.  It’s ok.  A bit painful at times.  A bit comical at times.  I would also like to start sit ups.  Everything in due time, huh???

Thanks for reading!

Love & Light!


In a previous post I spoke of Pantanjali’s Yoga Sutras.  The sutras outline various challenges and aspects we face in life and/or the yogic path.

Sustained Effort + Time = STRONG FOUNDATION

The foundation to meeting any goal is effort.  However, it is important to feel positive throughout the process-whatever you are about to undertake.  The more positive we feel about the process; the more we will enjoy the learning process.  No matter how painful and tiring it may be.

Continuing with no interruption refers to the commitment you have made and sticking to it.  Eating Raw, Yoga Practice, an Instrument, anything.  No endeavor which promises or gives instant gratification will last.

1.14 sa tu dirgha-kala-nairantarya-satkara-adara-asevito drdha-bhumih to acheive a strong foundation in our practice over a long time, without interuption, believing in it and looking forward to it, with an attitude of service.

Take it easy on yourself.  Slow and steady!  This is your time to spend the energy on manifestation!

The “Green” Burrito

This wonderful green “burrito” was my dinner last night.  I packed it with spinach, mixed baby green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, raw sesame seeds, avocado, a splash of olive oil, a splash of bragg and a splash of sesame oil.

The collards last night were so large I just had to use them as a “wrap”!!!

Check out this leaf…

Thank you for reading.

Love and Light!


READERS NOTE: (Haven’t done this in a while!  I love to read and research! I am passing along some information I find throughout the day! )

An interesting story at the NY Times Online about Kombucha – you can check  out the article here!  I am happy to see it getting some coverage.  Good or Bad.  I love KOMBUCHA!!! Anyone else out there like it?  What is your favorite flavor?  Any feed back?

Did the recent KOMBUCHA recall effect you?

This was a funny story… Forget vegan, he’s a “hegan”

E3 Live Information HERE as Promised

This has been the most wonderful discovery!!!

I have enjoyed feeling the effect on my body mind and spirit!

Check it out for yourself!




Happy Day! 🙂

How are you today??? Me? I’m okay.  A little bummed, but nothing to get upset over.  Although I may not like it when a “communication breakdown” occurs – it is after all expected in life!  Rather than getting upset over it or causing any kind of detriment to my day…the beat goes on! 🙂

Onto blogging!

Last night was the last and final batch of Rejuvelac from wheat berries.  It is technically my 3rd overall batch and I have decided to try another type of grain.  The next grain I am sprouting will be – Oat Groats.  I will let you know what the difference in taste is – if any!

So far I feel a HUGE DIFFERENCE with the Rejuvelac!

Clarity, Endurance, and a calmer vibration. When E3 Live is added to the mixture it is the most wonderful feeling!  Positive, ALIVE and absolute B-L-I-S-S!

As I was working in the kitchen last night, I came across one (there are 100’s by the way :)) of my FAVORITE books – Recipes for Longer Life by Ann Wigmore.

Rejuvelac the “water” of the Institute, puts into your body the enzymes cooked food doesn’t.  Enzymes help freindly bacteria such as lactobacillus bifidus grow.  Lactobacillus  in turn gives off lactic acid, a natural astringent, which helps your large intestine maintain it’s natural, healthy, vitamin-producing environment.  This leads to a clean colon where sludge does not collect on colon walls, and where harmful, disease producing bacteria are unable to survive.

Since the Rejuvelac is pre-digested (fermented) the proteins are broken down into amino acids, and the carbohydrates into simple sugars.  These nutrients are assimilated by the body with little expenditure of energy.  Rejuvelac is rich in eight of the B vitamins, as well as vitamin E and K!

Great information, huh?  We can thank Ann Wigmore for this wonderful Healing Elixr! 🙂

Spent Wheat Berries

So my last adventure didn’t turn out to well when it came to the spent wheat berries…or so I thought! 🙂  I had initially set out to make ESSENE BREAD but it ended up being batter and/or oatmeal – rather than dough!

I attempted to make the best out of a bad thing and made RAW COOKIES!!!

Here they are!

They are actually good.  I was afraid for a moment, but my wonderful “taste tester” stepped in and made a happy face when he bit into the cookie!

Here is another shot!

Since I have approximately 4+ cups of wheat berries, I decided to place the other wheat berries into the Dehydrator to dry them out before I use them again.

Here they are about to go into the Dehydrator…

I will update what becomes of them tomorrow or the next day! 🙂  Hopefully my Essene Bread (RAW BREAD Adventure #2) will be much more successful…fingers crossed!

Sprout Updates

Look at these beauties! Radish Sprouts! When I pulled these out of the jar, I thought how fun it would be to make a dish around them! So that is what I will do tonight! 🙂 (Do you see the little heart the leaves made? Right at the top of the cluster!) PURE LOVE!

Newest Raw Food Find

I mentioned the Mineral Rich Crusts in my last posting here and wanted to show you what the packaging looked like!  They are pretty tasty and very filling!

And finally…

No Impact Man Highlight of the Day

I think I have mentioned how the earth bestows wonderful produce upon me via customers and people within the community.

One of the most wonderful additions to my day on Monday was this gift!

This gift from the earth came via a very knowledgeable guy in the community.  He climbed his own tree and picked these avocados for me.  He says it’s better to give them to someone who will eat them rather than allowing them to fall and rot on the floor.  He also brings me these wonderful lemons.  He calls the darker ones Mandarin Lemons and the lighter ones the Sour Lemons.

I always use all of the produce he gives me and I am so thankful to both the earth and him for bestowing this gift of life upon me!  The universe always manages to encourage me! 🙂

Besides the “No Impact” of this guy using what is growing in the community, he walks everywhere – he NEVER drives, and he brought me a paper bag from his lunch to use as both the bag I would take the produce home in, but also to ripen the Avocados!  How much more “No Impact” could this guy be? 🙂 Love it!

Here they are in the bag awaiting to be eaten! I placed them here among my DVD’s since I am usually picking movies out to take to the store or watch at home.  I figured if they were right in front of me, I couldn’t forget about them!

Okay, so let’s not pay attention to the fact that the bag says “The Hat” a local burger eatery in Los Angeles – known for their pastrami…life is funny that way..huh? 🙂

Thank you for reading!

Love and Light!


I am hoping you all had a safe and beautiful holiday!

I rested, ran and cooked and “un”cooked all weekend.  It was REALLY REALLY NICE!!! 🙂

New Years Eve

We closed the store early New Years Eve and got home about 8:00-8:30 pm.  I put some groceries away and made a REJUVELAC Smoothie before the run.  

Since we had about 2+ hours prior to the run we talked about the goals we had for this next year (both relationship wise & business wise) and reminisced about last year.  My “taste tester” and I have been together for 10+ years now.  So you can imagine there is always much to talk about!  🙂  Before I knew it was time to get dressed and go!

As planned my taste tester and I went on a run at about 11:25 pm!  I wanted to ring in the New Year RUNNING! 🙂

The run felt exhilarating!  We accomplished the run in 37 min 6 sec!  That IS MY FASTEST TIME ever! YES!  Only 2 minute 6 seconds to shave off my final time!!! 🙂  Once I reach the 35 minute goal I will work different intervals and speed training. 

Just as I wondered if it was midnight yet, I heard firecrackers going off and then a moment later the peacocks were calling out!  I was filled with happiness, excitement, love!  Most of all I just felt thankful to be where I was at that moment!  Thankful for the opportunities that have presented themselves over the last year and thankful to be alive!  The call the peacocks let out is so magical.  During the warmer months they are much more vocal and while I sleep I can hear them in the distance…

Over the next few days I made smoothies, juiced some oranges for fresh juice, drank lots of rejuvelac with E3 live, SLEPT, LOVED and LIVED! 🙂  It was nice to be home!



Here is the small snack we had…

Raw Cashew Cheese + Mineral Rich Raw Crusts+Tomatoes+ Basil = LOVE!

Here are all of the components before I assembled them…As previously posted – THE CHEESE DIDN’T HARDEN! 😦  BUMMER!

I will continue to work with this issue! I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON RAW NUT CHEESES!

Did you make some goals for 2011?  Would love to hear them!

Thank you for reading!

Love and Light!


Well readers here we are!  Another year!

I wish you THE BEST YEAR you could possibly have!



Quite a bit has changed around here at Veg888 headquarters since last year!

I will continue to seek out longevity and healing & will ALWAYS INCLUDE YOU along my journey! 🙂

Thursday Night Run…

I headed out for my run about 5 min till 11pm.  It was cold but there wasn’t a wind factor to contend with! Whew!  Since it was so late, I was unable to take more than 1 picture of the run! 😦  I will miss the holidays!  It is the only time the streets are illuminated with lights and creativity.  One of the houses decorated their palm tree with various colored lights!  Hopefully I will be able to take a picture of it before the lights are taken down!

I plan on running into the new year!  I will be out there thinking of the wonderful world we live in and all the beauty it posses!  Not that there aren;t bad things happening around the world, but I will release love into the world tonight!  I hope you will join me! 🙂

Raw Cashew Adventure – Part II – Update

When I got home, I went to look at my cashew cheese.  It smelled different than the eve before.

Projected Problems:

– I think I should have placed the cheese on top of the cheesecloth and allowed it to drain, this way I would have ensured a firm cheese.  (This is all theoretical until I can experiment!)

-The blender I have has seen better days.  Actually, it saw better days a year ago! 🙂  All the RAW FOOD PREPARATION over the last year has worn out the blades in both my blender and my Food Processor.  I think if I had a better blender it would have ground the cashews better and I would have had a “thicker” firmer cheese. (Again my theory!)

With these factors in mind, I added lemon, onion powder, cayenne, salt, dehydrated leeks, scallions, and shallots.

I mentioned my “antique” molds and I wanted to use them for the cheese…

Here they are before the process…

Next I lined each mold with plastic wrap and filled each mold with cheese.  Filled the molds with the cheese and covered.  I had hoped the cheese would firm up by morning, but 8 hrs later the cheese is still soft! 😦  I have seen on the Raw Forums this problems occurs and I hope this is not like my adventure in making Gnocchi!  In one word… DISASTROUS!  I have NEVER ATTEMPTED it at home AGAIN!

Rejuvelac Front – Update

This is my third batch of Rejuvelac and I am quite PLEASED!!!  Tonight will be the last batch I can make with what is brewing.  I saved the other sprouts and hope to experiment with the next batch ALL TOGETHER!  I am also going to DEHYDRATE the “spent” sprouts and make a bread!

I have noticed some profound differences since I have begun conuming REJUVELAC!  My running times have contined to get BETTER! YES!  Last night I ran the 2.8 miles in 38 minutes!  For the last few weeks, between the REJUVELAC and the E3 I have felt enormous differences.  I have cut my time by 8 minutes! 🙂  I’ve got to get to 35 minuted!  Once I do that, I will be able to start with intervals.  Intervals will change my time and strength while I am in a race!  10 k – HERE I COME!!!

Hopefully I will be able to conquer a 4-5 miler this weekend!  I will let you know!

Another positive and maybe negative ALL AT THE SAME TIME – MY SENSE OF SMELL!  I know this seems strange, but I have a keener sense of smell and sharper vision.

My stomach seems to feel really good all of the time and the “Taste Tester” has definitely experienced some changes as well!  Love It! 🙂

Love and Light!


Last Years Holiday Wish! Read It and Know I still mean it! 🙂

As we drove home from the shop last night it was FREEZING!  Least by California standards! 🙂  I know, I know – here in California we are big babies about the temperature!  I don’t know how some runners, raw foodies and vegans deal with zero degree weather! Eeek!

It was 48 degrees with winds at 15 – 20 mph!  I WENT RUNNING ANYWAY!  I figured if I could conquer the run last night, I would be alright to conquer my runs the rest of the week!  The weather promises to be windy and cold and I have made a promise to myself to continue running !!  The January 10k will be here soon enough! 

There were a few races I wanted to attend, but traffic and being in the car isn’t something I want to deal with during a holiday weekend. If you know what I mean! So I will be hosting my own mini race!  Between 11:30-11:45 pm I will be embarking on my own 5k!  Hopefully my taste tester will accompany me into this NEW YEAR RUNNING!!! 🙂

Sorry no pictures from the run, my camera wasn’t charged! 😦

After my run, I lifted weights and headed into the kitchen! 

I went to the Rejuvelac brewing and witnessed a phenominal sight!  There were green sprouts coming out of the REJUVELAC!

WILD!  I thought how beautiful! How A-L-I-V-E! 

I think they sprouted because there are other sprouts growing in the kitchen – life is abounding in the Veg888 kitchen right now!

I am going to try and make a recipe I came across in an Ann Wigmore book – Energy Soup!  Followed by a Rejuvelac/E3 Live Cocktail and a run sometime over the LONG WEEKEND! The soup requires fresh sunflower sprouts, rejuvelac, etc. I will update later!

I also decided to take advantage of the fact that I have several jars FULL OF REJUVELAC!  I am making a Cashew Basil Nut Cheese! 

Last night I pulled out my trusty Recipe Book/Personal Journal.  In it were the basic instructions for a Cashew Nut cheese.  I got the recipe from somewhere on the internet!  I am always scouring for interesting recipes and have wanted to make this particular recipe for a fair amount of time.  I don’t know why I hadn’t made Rejuvelac before?  It would seem that I would have totally made it during the cleanse last year, but???? Well I suppose it doesn’t matter.  Slow and easy!  I’ll get there….

Basic Cashew Cheese

3 cups soaked Cashews

1 1/2 – 2 cups rejuvelac

Instructions: Place ingredients in the blender/food processor and blend until smooth!  Place contents in a glass and cover.  Allow to ferment for 24 hours!  Uncover and begin creating!!!

Here we are ALL COVERED!  I will do all of my experimenting when we get home this evening!  I would like to cover the cheese with some herbs and spices.  However, I was able to attain one of my KITCHEN GOALS!  YES! 🙂

I purchased some antique molds off of EBAY a few months ago and I am planning on using them for some Cashew Cheese experiments…stay tuned!  I will update soon!

Thank you for reading!

Love and Light!


Did you spend time with your favorite people this weekend?  

Are you waiting to spend time with them on New Year’s Eve?

Me?  Christmas went by pretty fast! 

On Christmas Eve my mother fell and needed to be taken to the hospital! 😦 Her fall resulted a broken wrist and dislocated elbow!

Woke up pretty early on Christmas Day.  I drank LOTS OF REJUVELAC!!  I also made a drink that had 1 whole  apple, an entire orange, rejuvelac and E3 Live. 

Here’s my big and beautiful APPLE! 🙂

Here is the orange, apple and E3 live in the Blender!

What is E3 live?  

E3Live® (Original) is 100% Aphanizomenon flos-aquae blue-green algae (AFA for short) that is an all-organic wild-harvested aqua-botanical considered by renowned health authorities to be nature’s most beneficial superfood. (I will link the website on another posting!) 

As long as the algae is frozen it will be alive when you consume it.  It will keep in the fridge 7 days once it has thawed, however if you aren’t going to use it, the instructions state to put the bottle back into the freezer.  Since there is no possible way I could determine if I was going to use the rest of the algae within the 7 day time period, I made doses, cubes and/or portions!  I found a plastic ice cube tray and placed the thawed algae into the mold and froze them.   This way I could just toss a few into the blender to use them! 🙂

I made sure to drink Rejuvelac and E3 live ALL DAY!!!  I think we went through 9 glasses of rejuvelac before this green concoction! 

 Check out the FOAM on this one!!!

I also went on an Evening run!  When I left my parents house it was raining pretty steadily! 😦  I was upset and thought I wasn’t going to be able to run.  As I drove home I noticed it was misting on my side of town! Yeah!  I went inside, dressed for my run and headed out!  I ran a little faster than I did on Christmas Eve, so I was very Satisfied!  🙂

Here are some Christmas shots I took during my run!!!


When I initially took this picture, I imagined Ganesh standing in Tree Pose and all of his arms extended into different mudras.  Looking at this shot, I see a face!  What about you? What do you see???

This was such a beautiful shot!  This tree was so peaceful and beautiful with it’s lights that night!  At this point it was barely starting to rain and I knew I had to head home FAST!

I wanted to take a few more pictures of this street, but by now the rain was really really heavy!!! The Christmas lights line this entire street!  Can you see all the lights in the distance???

I hope you all had a great HOLIDAY!  My running has been going quite well!  Los Angeles is expected to have more rain tomorrow!  Fingers crossed I will be able to get 1 or 2 more runs in the next few days!

Here are my Wheat Berry Cinnamon Raisin Cookies!

I had just turned them over to Dehydrate on the other side for 3 hours.  They will be consumed this evening!  Can’t wait!  The cookie feels more life the Ehtiopian Bread called Injera.  Do you know what that is???

Love and Light!


Hello Longevity Seekers!

I wish you the best possible Holiday you could have! 🙂

Rejuvelac Part II

Here are the wheat berry sprouts I placed in the fridge.  They smelled quite fresh when I opened the container.  Very Clean…

The plan was to make RAW BAGELS…so that didn’t happen! 😦  I placed the wheat berries into the Food Processor.  All of the recipes I found said to add olive oil and a pinch of salt.  Process the wheat until it makes a dough type of ball…

Here is the wheat in the Food Processor…

A pinch of Salt… (If you have been here a while, then you know I have a small store.  One of the most rewarding experiences has been the people I have met through the years.  I am quickly coming up on my 10 year anniversary of owning this store and luckily I still have many of the same customers. 🙂  One of them, always has really cool adventures, vibrations, and overall beauty about them.  He is a father, a musician and a great friend to me and my “taste tester”!

One of the things I respect about him is his regard for his son, the earth and his culture.  From time to time he reads my blog and he brought me this wonderful salt.  The salt was brought from a salt mine in the mountains of Mexico.  It is said the only way to get this salt is ONLY IF SOMEONE GIVES YOU SOME!  They don’t sell ANY of the salt from their mine and it only is used in that small town! Thank you L!)

Okay, so back to the wheat berry adventure…

I put the wheat berries in the Food Processor and it looked like oatmeal! 😦  NOT DOUGH!  So I added Raisins, Cinnamon, and a bit of agave.

Here is the mix! Don’t you think it looks like oatmeal?

I mixed in a bit more Cinnamon and then put them on a Teflex sheet. The Dehydrator was set at 115 and they are going to be in there for 12 hrs. The beauty of the Rejuvelac is how the food product keeps going on and on! 🙂

Christmas Eve Run in SUNNY Southern California!

This is the beautiful San Gabriel Mountains while I was running!  At this point I had been running for about 15 minutes!

I took this picture on my way back.  It was the 2 mile mark!  The sun felt GREAT!  At first I thought I was going to be cold in what I had on.  Long Sleeve Fleece Jacket, T Shirt and pants.  Just then I saw two kids running around in shorts and tank tops!  Whew!

And about 5 minutes until I was back home I saw this miraculous creature! 🙂  He was jamming on some carob that had fallen into the street!

I got back home and noticed I had finished my run in 37 minutes! 🙂 YES! Best time yet! Thanks to E3 LIVE and Rejuvelac!

Have a great Holiday!

Love and Light!


Things have been moving along nicely in the Veg888 Kitchen lately.

Last night I jarred the THIRD BATCH/LAST BATCH of Rejuvelac.  This is the last and final batch before it will turn into a “bread”.

The wheat berries have tails that are about 2.5 cm.  They are happy little things!  They have turned a really interesting color.  Much like a cream color? or an eggshell color?  not white, but almost there???  The tails have tiny little fuzzy roots!  They also smell very “green” and VERY FRESH!

I placed the “spent” wheat berries into a glass container and popped them into the refrigerator.  This is supposed to slow down the sprouting process and since I have made ALL THE REJUVELAC I can…I am awaiting to RECYCLE & REUSE!

I will make the “bread” this evening and place it in the dehydrator over night.  I am planning on making RAW BAGELS with this batch.  My favorite non-raw bagel is an EVERYTHING BAGEL so that is what I am going for tonight! 🙂  Since my schedule it usually chaotic – I wasn’t able to make my Bagels/Essene bread.  I will update the process and the taste!

On Sunday (Dec 19, 2010) I began soaking more wheat berries and sprouted them over the next 2 days.  This allowed me to begin a new batch of Rejuvelac immediately after the final batch.

I was also able to wash the large container and refill it with “NEW” REJUVELAC within a 10 minute frame.  Of course this was going on at about 1:30 am.

Most of my kitchen experiments go on between the hours of 9:30pm – 3:00 am.  ESPECIALLY since running became part of my schedule in the evening.  When you go to bed at like 3 or even 4 am it is quite difficult to wake up at 6 or even 8 am. I am hoping to change my schedule a bit this next year.  My goal will be to get a good portion of my workouts done in the morning before I open the store.  In order to do this, I will have to have dinner AT THE STORE and get to bed by 11pm – Midnight.  Fingers Crossed I will meet this goal! (Along with all of my other goals on my list for 2011! :))

Overall Rejuvelac Review

Although time consuming the rewards I feel from the Rejuvelac seem well worth the wait.  My tummy feels really good, I am very clear in my mind.  I don’t forget things AS MUCH! 🙂  I am able to execute tasks on my list for the day.  I am also able to keep a very good energy level sustained throughout the day.  No word on gray hair/dark hair – yet.  But a very good addition to my diet.

If I stay on a good rotation, I think everything will work out fine.  Last night as I began sprouting more Sunflower Seeds and Radish Sprouts, I began to think of what I was REALLY doing.  I knew I also needed to begin sprouting NEW wheat berries Thursday evening, this way I would be ready with proper wheat berry sprouts once the next THIRD batch is ready.

I also want to add more “Sprouted Greens”  to my diet.  While reading the “Thrive” book by Brendan Brazier I came across some helpful information on Sprouted Greens.

“RAW enzyme rich sprouts are plentiful in all three food components: simple carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids.  They are predigested so the body does not need to produce it’s own enzymes, plus the nutrients are in a usable form-a considerable net gain of total energy suppled by the food.” Brendan Brazier, Thrive

It also went on to say “The sprout occupies a transitional phase in the plant life cycle.  Having yet to form roots, the sprout, a new growth from the germinating seed.  Once activated by moisture, enzymes begin to utilize nutrients supplied in the seed as a rapid growth fuel.  The plant equivalent to mother’s milk, densely packed nutrients in the seed quickly convert the sprout into a plant with leaves…throughout the sprout’s rapid growth phase, digestive enzyme inhibitors are expelled; proteins are converted to amino acids, and fats to essential fatty acids, making a very efficient food.  Power packed with vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and enzymes, since sprouting enhances the efficiency and nutrient value of the seed.  Sprouts, because of their HIGH pH level, will also help alkalize the body ” Brendan Brazier, Thrive

I have to kick training up a notch if I am going to finish the 10k which will be January 29, 2011. (Not that far away mind you!) So there will be more recipes to come! 🙂

There doesn’t seem to be the usual excitement for Christmas this year.  I don’t even hear people say they are going to buy gifts -or- that they are celebrating Christmas!?  I wonder if it’s the rain or the finances???

No Christmas Tree in my shop or at home.  Just lots of Sprouts! 🙂  Life!

The rain seems to have subsided -for now-.  I woke up to the Sun this morning but it seems to have disappeared since! 😦

Love and Light!


Tonight’s the night!

Everybody ROCK & ROLL! 🙂

That’s what I was thinking as I walked through the door last night!

It was time for my REJUVELAC adventure to continue.  Once I got home, I went in to see what was happening!  There was not as much foam at the top and the color was quite opaque!

Here is the REJUVELAC when I got home…

I drained the wheat berries.  I was able to fill 3 Large Jars and still had enough for a glass of the “etherial” REJUVELAC! 🙂

After I drained the REJUVELAC, I got more water ready for the 2nd Batch of REJUVELAC.  Here is the container totally drained.

Here is an aerial view!

Tonight I will make my 3rd batch and then start all over again.  I will also be able to make some “Essene Bread” with the left over sprouts.  I have been sprouting new wheat berries since Sunday, so when the 3rd batch is done I will wash the container and start all over!!! 🙂

Here we are READY TO ENJOY! 🙂

As far as the taste goes…in a weird way there was some lemon flavor to it.  Kind of like there was too much water and not enough lemon?  There was a wonderful REFRESHING  flair to it – no doubt.  But it is difficult to pin point the taste but you do taste the sprout.  The Life! BEAUTIFUL!

On the running front.  I got on the stationary bike again last night and I am coordinating a schedule for the Treadmill.  I will also begin free weights this eve.  STRENGTH TRAINING BEGINS!!! :/

I found a wonderful recipe call “Energy Soup” by Anne Wigmore and I will enjoy this with the Essene bread.  On the Menu for this week is also some cashew cheese and some nice smoothies.

This morning before we left for the shop, my taste tester and I had E3 Live mixed into the REJUVELAC.  It was nice and GREEN!  Very good beginning to a wonderful RAINY day!! There is more mist than RAIN today.  Hopefully, fingers crossed, I can get a run in as well! 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Love and Light!


The weekend turned out positive for the most part.  We are having a TOTAL RAIN STORM here in Los Angeles!!!  Which is alright except for ONE SMALL FACT…I WAS UNABLE TO RUN! 😡

The rain continued and continued.  I did however do ALL OF THE LAUNDRY, BREW REJUVELAC, MAKE AN APPLE AND BASIL SANDWICH, ENJOY A MAGNUM EPISODE (He was in an Ultra Iron Man Competition in the episode), started sprouting more wheat berries for MORE REJUVELAC and did some recipe research.

SO – On the Rejuvelac Front – Here we go —–>

Saturday was the last day I would sprout the wheat.  I rinsed it and placed it in a large container (I had forgotten I had…) and it was time to wait for the Rejuvelac.  After the wheat berries sprout for 2 days you place the wheat berries in a container and place 6 cups of water.  The ratio I found online was 1 part berries to 6 parts Spring Water…

Saturday Evening:

This is the sprouted wheat berries after (2) days with fresh Spring Water

This will sit for (2) days and brew…

Sunday Morning

This is the Rejuvelac after 14 hrs.


Sunday Evening

Monday Morning

Check out the foam on top after a Day and a half !!!


I will get to see how it tastes tonight!  I will also try one of the recipes I found for the wheat berries AFTER you make REJUVELAC! 🙂  Recycle-Reuse! LOVE IT!

Sooo…psst…I also read that REJUVELAC is a restorative food for the stomach AND now here is another GREAT fact..IT IS SAID TO STOP GRAY HAIR AND RETURN TO YOUR HAIR TO IT’S NATURAL COLOR!!! I don’t know about you Longevity Seekers but that sounded good to me!!! 🙂  No toxins from dye on our scalps, in the drainage system, etc… GREAT.  Of course I’m not gray (yet!), but I figure it is a good start!  I read it takes about 3 months, so I use my “taste tester” as a test subject and see if this is true! 🙂 He only has a little gray on his chinny chin chin! 🙂  Love him though!  Very supportive man in my life!

Have you read the same??? Do you have experience with REJUVELAC???

Since there was rain ALL WEEKEND I was unable to run.  I remembered this a.m. that my parents have a treadmill and weights at their house, so I might use that to my advantage this week!  Best part is they don’t live very far and I can go over there at anytime! 🙂  I love my parents and am so happy they live close to me.  Most days they help me with my usual errands and such.  Love Them! 🙂  I am looking forward to sitting with them on Christmas Eve.  I don’t usually go to EXTENDED family functions, but ALWAYS TO IMMEDIATE family functions! 🙂  What about you?  Got plans for this Holiday Season?

I am also looking up information about RAIN RUNNING GEAR this week.  I can’t imagine that this will be the end of the rain until Spring.  Those in the Pacific Northwest and other parts of this great world are running in the rain.  Maybe I will too??? We’ll see.  I can handle drizzle, mist and even slight rain.  However the rain we are getting is pretty heavy and intense.  Anyone out there run in the rain. 

This weather makes me want to go into DEEP MEDITATION.  It also makes me want to stay at home and do yoga for 8 hours!  Followed by a LONG ADVENTURE IN THE KITCHEN!!! 🙂

Stay Tuned!

Love and Light!


Well it’s Saturday and it appears we are having a RAINY WEEKEND! 😦

Instead of running, I had to get on a stationary bike last night!  I went three miles and got bored.  If necessary I will get psyched out and do a 2 hour set on the bike, but I am hoping to get at least 2 runs in over the weekend.  I would like to have 6-10 miles logged in for the weekend. We’ll see.

I know our mountains need the rain and the more rain we get now – the cooler the summer will be here in California.  Although there were some record highs as far as the summer temps we experienced…it didn’t last long…before we knew it RAIN!!!

On the kitchen front…

Have any of you 1) Heard of Rejuvelac, 2) Tasted Rejuvelac, 3) Made Rejuvelac???

1) Heard of REJUVELAC?

Rejuvelac is a general term for a fermented liquid used to improve digestion of food. Rejuvelac is prepared using whole wheat, rye, quinoa, oats, barley, millet, buckwheat, rice and other types of grain. Best results have been found using wheat, rye, and quinoa. Rejuvelac can be consumed as a digestive aid and used as a ‘starter’ for other fermented foods such as raw nut and seed sauces, cheeses, and Essene Breads. Rejuvelac contains eight of the B vitamins, vitamins E and K, and a variety of proteins, dextrines, carbohydrates, phosphates and amylases. It is rich in enzymes that assist in digestion. During the fermentation lactic acid is also being produced.

Rejuvelac is a raw food made by sprouting a grain and then soaking the sprouted grain in water for about two days at room temperature and then drinking the liquid. A second batch can be made from the same sprouts, this time requiring only about one day. A third batch is possible but the flavor may be disagreeable. *

Has any READER OUT there ever read where it originates???  I know the RAW LIVING COMMUNITY embraces this drink…but what is it’s history?  Anne Wigmore?   If anyone knows – send me an email or comment!!

2) Tasted Rejuvelac?

Good rejuvelac will taste like a mild, unsweetened but pleasant carbonated beverage—somewhat like the byproduct whey from yogurt-making. (Although this is what they say – I will tell you on Mon/Tues)

3) Made Rejuvelac?
Currently “brewing” my batch of Rejuvelac!  What about you??? 🙂
I have been sprouting the wheat since Wednesday Eve.  You allow the grain to sprout approx. 2 days and then begin the process.  At the moment, my wheat has completely overtaken the jar and I have no idea how water will even fit.  I may have to 1) separate the sprouts into (2) jar or 2) I may have to use a larger container…Since it has to be glass I may need to take one from the shop (my shop)… I will figure it out tonight and let you know.  Monday/Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I can enjoy the Rejuvelac since you are able to use the sprouts for (3) days!!! I think I will try to make a RAW Cracker or Bread with the left over wheat sprouts.  (Update Later!) 🙂
Many of the RAW Vegan Nut Cheese recipes use rejuvelac for the fermentation process…we’ll see how this will change things…???
Written Saturday – December 18, 2010

This is the fuel I had devoured the day of the race.  I knew I needed RAW food, Great Water and FRUIT!!! 🙂  So I packed my snacks and headed out the door prepared! 🙂  The (2) waters are: Essentia (9.5 pH) and the other is ESSENCE (pH)!  A love force energy bar – Flavor Chocolate Mint, Raw Cracker, a Sprouted Quinoa Salad, 2 Oranges, 1 Pink Lady Apple and Love!

As we drove up to the beach all I saw was FOG!!!  I wondered if it would end up raining on us or not.  There were quite a bit of cars parked in all of the parking lots!  All of the cars there were mostly there for the 10k race, which began at 7:30 am!  I would have to say there were much more cars for the 10k than the 5k!  Whew!

There were even some folks who did the combo!!! 10k + 5k! CRAZY!!! (One day I thought to myself!!!)  But for now, I will concentrate on the 5k and some speed work, weight lifting and bicycling!  Got to get ready for the 10k!!!

These wonderful people were all heading to the START LINE!!!

Here was my hero for the day!!! WONDER MOM!!!  You can read about her HERE! In this picture we are all assembling to the START LINE.  Initially WONDER MOM caught my eye for simply showing up pregnant and getting ready to run the race.  However, as the gun went off, she began running with her children and the stroller!!! WOW! AMAZING WOMAN!!!

Here we are on the race path!  We have passed the 1 mile mark.  We are on the Venice Boardwalk now.  Probably about 1 .75 miles into the 5k! I came across this really cute kid yelling at his parents! 🙂 “HURRY UP MOM AND DAD!!!”  WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO LONG?”  He was very much ahead of his parents and I laughed to myself!  The energy of a young child! Not knowing or understanding why mom and dad were behind!!!  I understood! 🙂

At the time I didn’t understand why my pace was so much better.  Now that I have time to think about it.  I have come to the conclusion that living near the San Gabriel Mountains changes the air a bit.  It also occurred to me the other night that I run up hills since we live so close to the mountains and the 5k course was a flat course.  This is what gave me the idea to work more hills and hopefully gain speed for the 10k!

Everyone is leaving at this point including me! 🙂  Finished with the 5k and I was ready for my massage and a GREAT MEAL! We went to one of our favorite restaurants in Los Angeles – SIMPLY WHOLESOME!  Best RAW TACOS in town! 🙂  Great Salsa too! 🙂

After our snack we headed off to the shop!  We opened on time and I left to receive my wonderful massages!

I thought I would post these pictures!  Technology had been my enemy this week. 😦  But things are looking up!

I have also been taking in SUPERFOODS…Goji Berries, Mulberries, Cashews, Carob, Raw Cacao, Coconut, Brazil Nuts and Raisins!  I made this mix myself.  I will try some other’s next week.  I have also been having E3 live every morning!  Sometimes I mix blueberries in the blender with the E3 live and other times I use frozen pineapple, mango, raspberries…just depends what I have on hand…

Check it out…



1/2 lb. Organic Raisins

1/4 lb Goji Berries

3/4 lb RAW Superfood Trail Mix

1/4 lb Carob chips


I hope you are well Longevity Seekers! 🙂

Stay positive!  Some needed days off are coming up!

Love & Light !


Good DAY!! How are you today? Are you okay?  I hope you are!  How does your mind feel?  What about your body? 

Are you fighting bad weather? Obstacles due to the weather?  I would love to hear from you readers out there!!! 🙂

As for me?  Well the Veg888 blogger met her goal!  The Venice Christmas run was a SUCCESS!!!  It was a wonderful event!


Friday – I made sure to have a smoothies with Spirulina and berries ALL DAY!  I also maintained a HIGH RAW menu for the day.  I had Tabouli, Green Salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, olives, romaine lettuce), Hummus, and some eggplant (in the form of BABAGANOUJ – the cooked part of the meal). 

Once we got home, I squeezed some FRESH O.J. and mixed it with E3 Live.  I had two mushrooms stuffed with basil, tomatoes, nut cheese, and spices.  Made it to bed by 11:00 pm.  (This is quite early for me.  I am usually in bed at like 2am…) 

Put all of my running gear together: RACE BIB #61, my tennis shoes, my (2) POWER BALANCE bracelets, socks, shorts, shirt, exercise bra and jacket.  I also had a Gear Bag ready for the day.  I had extra socks, some band-aids, a change of clothes, lotion, sandals and some various odds and ends.  I plugged in the Garmin to charge and went to bed. 

I set the alarm for 5:45 and 6:00 a.m.  I knew I wanted to get a Yoga set in before we left for the race AND I wanted to meditate before the race as well.  I felt I needed to visualize positivity and love.  I can get a bit snippy when I am unsure of certain aspects and feel pressured.  I didn’t want that energy to be part of my day so I knew I would need to meditate!

5k DAY

Saturday – The alarm was set for 5:45 and 6:00 am.  Eventually got out of bed at 6:10 am and headed to the living room for some yoga asanas and meditation.  I just tried to breathe and focus on my goals for the day.  I made sure to say thank you for the use of my legs, the opportunity to be alive and the wonderful experience  at hand!

Got into the shower at about 7:10 and tried to stay positive.  My mantra for the day was – Just finish the race and enjoy the experience!

We left the house about 8:10am.  I was starting to get butterflies in my stomach and just tried to breathe.  There were moments when my mind would wander and I would start saying…”You are 20 minutes off schedule.  The race starts at 9:15 am and you are barely leaving…I would then come back to breathing and remained calm. 

We got to the beach at about 8:30am.  We found parking pretty easily.  I put my bib on and headed to the race. 

There were SO MANY PEOPLE there! It was amazing!  The people were all SO POSITIVE!  There were elves, and reindeer, Santa Claus and all types of other costumes I had never seen.  We started right on time.  The gun went off at 9:15 and I didn’t get to the start line until about 9:18 or so.  I didn’t feel the need to jock for position at the start line.  After all, I wasn’t there to try to win.  I was there to run and finish. 

For the last month my pace has been a 14 minute mile.  I kept thinking – “Well I said I would complete the 5k in 45 minutes when I registered.  Technically I should finish within that time frame. Right? As doubt attempted to wander into my mind, I heard a women YELL OUT – 14:58!  I looked down at the Garmin and I noticed that I had already passed the 1 mile mark!  Good Job I thought!  Whew!

Up the hill and then the turn around, still feeling good.  The Garmin beeped at mile 2 and I was still feeling strong.  There was a table set out for water, but I passed.  Along the entire course there were people CHEERING FOR ALL THE RUNNERS! 🙂  SO POSITIVE!!  I heard people yelling “Go Runners!” there was even a guy out there yelling with bells and reindeer antlers! He just kept yelling “GO RUNNERS! YOUR MORE THAN HALF WAY THERE!”  YOU GOT UP THIS MORNING AND YOUR GONNA DO IT! GO RUNNER! GO RUNNERS!” He was so animated and hilarious!  I picked up the pace and continued to run! I was laughing and quite happy at this point!  Just then a woman appeared to be passing me.  Now the key to this visual is this.  Imagine for just one moment: A tall woman about 5’10” or so.  Now the clincher is this next visual!  She was pregnant and pushing (2) toddlers in a rather large stroller!  I thought … “What?”  Am I seeing what I am seeing?  Oh hell no!  If this woman (WHO IS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE I MIGHT ADD AND MY NEW HERO) is passing me…that is not a good sign!!! So I picked up the pace even more and headed to the finish line!  I got to the finish line with a time of 38:20!  That is a 12+ minute pace!!! WOO HOO!!!! 🙂

Went to the meeting place I had set up with my “taste tester”!  WATER!  Where is the 10ph of water?  He had everything ready for me and we walked back to the car.  I felt good and we headed off!

More race recap and pictures tomorrow!  Having trouble with my computer again! 😦

Love and Light!


Hello All!

As you can already tell, I have decided to change the theme.   So here we are with a change…

I ran both Monday and Tuesday evening. 


My run was quite difficult.  My knees hurt ALL day.  They were quite sore, and I felt tired throughout the entire run.  It took about 30 solid minutes to feel warmed up enough, and by that time I was about a half mile from home.  I think I probably could have run another mile or two.  I just don’t want to push my body.  I don’t want anything to get in the way of the 5K run on Saturday.


My evening was a FABULOUS run.  I made it to mile (1) quicker than anticipated.  Mile (2) was at a 30 minute mark, whereas the evening prior I was at mile (2) at 36 minutes.  The challenge seems to be the last part of the hill.  The very difficult hill I climb before running back. Ugh! This one can make me or break on any given day!! 

Most of the food ingested on Tuesday was RAW.  I also had a smoothie with Spirulina.  What a difference!  I am attempting to figure out how I can show you the graphs to show you the CRAZY difference between the HIGH RAW day and the LOW RAW day.  definitely a testament to eating raw for ANY athletic endeavor!!!


Day Off! 🙂 There are a few things I needed to get before Saturday.  One of them was a new pair of running shoes.  For the first time I decided to purchase a NON – NEW BALANCE RUNNING SHOE!  That is a big deal for me.  For years I have sworn by New Balance!  But, yesterday I was quite disappointed!  I tried on like 18 – 20 pairs of running shoes.  I decided on the Nike Air Compete 2.  My only regret is the Nike swoosh is Pink!  (Not a pink fan…yet somehow I always end up with pink clothing, shoe accents, etc.)

All of the running shoes felt stiff except these!  Many of the shoes also felt small or very heavy.  I am a 6 1/2-7 size shoe and in running shoes usually 7 1/2.  Many of the shoes I tried on were 8’s??? Ugh!  With the exception of the pink swoosh the Nike Compete 2 are GREAT! They are Light, Comfortable, and roomy around the toes!!! I’m taking these guys for a test drive tonight!

I also had the opportunity to enjoy the evening with my “taste tester” !  🙂 We went to PURE LUCK – another vegan find in Los Angeles.  Went to bed early and woke up late?! How does that work??? Must have been tired!

I got on the bike and did 2.5 miles in 20 minutes.  1/2 mile more than usual.  That’s positive!  Although I had hoped to run in the morning, I will have to wait until I get home this evening.

Tonight I will go to the store and buy some Thai coconuts, E3 Live and salad.  I am planning on eating RAW until after the race.  Maybe even a few days after the race. 

Thanks for reading!

Love & Light


Hello Longevity Seekers! 🙂

How are you??? Cold? Hot? Rainy? Sunny? Snowy??? What temp are you dealing with right now???

This weekend was a fabulous weekend!


I picked up my number and foot pod for the race on Saturday!!! YEAH!! 

I am officially #61! 🙂

This was definitely an exciting moment for me.  My first 5K, My first organized race!! YES!

I have made a list of goals and wishes for 2010/2011 and it’s exciting to have some of these Goals and Wishes stricken off the list! 🙂

After I picked up my number and T-Shirt I journeyed over to one of my favorite vegan cafes – Flore Vegan!  I had my favorite smoothie!

Flore is a great little place in the heart of Silver Lake!  GREAT AND VEGAN!!!  🙂 Check them out if you are ever in Los Angeles!

Flore Vegan

3818 West Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90026 


Sooooo Delicious!

I know this color probably leaves little to be desired BUT it is incredibly good!! Avocado, Orange Juice, Agave Syrup! MMMmmmm! unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of it BEFORE I drank it! 🙂
Opened the shop as usual.  It was a nice and easy day! 


Now this is one memorable day!

I woke up at about 12 noon!  It had been sooo long since I had slept this late and this soundly! It felt sooo nice.  I was warm and comfortable!  I got up and showered.  Had a cup of “joe” and set out for an hour Acupressure Massage and 1 Hour Foot Massage.

The spa was called – “A Beautiful Day Spa”. 

As I entered the spa, a kind man greeted me and took me to the massage room.  The rooms were dimly lit and quaint.  I lay down and waited for the masseuse to enter. 

Now this was so amazing!  The Acupressure massage was what I needed.  I was pleased with the professionalism and cleanliness of the establishment. 

During the Acupressure massage the very top of my head to the very tip of my toes was massaged!

This was the first time I experienced an Acupressure Massage!  It was heavenly!  Truly an HOUR MASSAGE and TRULY WONDERFUL!  As I lay on the massage table I just kept thinking how lucky I was to be there, how relaxed I was, how thankful I was my “taste tester” was supportive enough to drop me off and pick me up!  Before I knew it, the hour massage was over and it was time for my 1 HOUR FOOT MASSAGE!  Whew!  I felt like a little cat purrring and purrring and purring! 

I got dressed and left the massage room.  I entered another room with 3 chairs.  I chose the chair I wanted and my feet were immediately immersed in hot water with chinese herbs.  While my feet soaked, my shoulders, neck and arms were massaged again! Prrrrr. Prrrrr.  The last 40 minutes the woman massaged every part of  my leg all the way down to my foot. Whew!  It felt absolutely FABULOUS…I wondered if that is what samadhi feels like.  I WAS IN TOTAL BLISS!

And what was really impressive – $20.00 for 1-HR FOOT MASSAGE!! Can you believe that??? AMAZING DEAL!!

After I left the spa, I journeyed over to Whole Foods.  I was looking for pea sprouts.  I love this nutritious green. I was on a mission to have a healthy and tasty meal!

I decided to recreate a specialty I used to order from a Muslim Chinese Restaurant in San Gabriel, California.  The restaurant was named – Tung Lai Shun.  Great Food! The name of my favorite dish was Diu Miao (Pea Sprouts with Garlic).


Then the gravy:


1 Cup water

1/4 cup Arrowroot

8 cloves Garlic Thinly Sliced

Olive Oil

Preparation: 1) Heat pan with a low heat and 1/2 cup water 2) once steam appears add garlic and splash of olive oil 3) In separate bowl add arrowroot to remaining 1/2 cup water and whisk 4) Add Arrowroot Mixture to pan 5) Once you can smell the Fragrance of the Garlic turn off low flame 6) Add peas sprouts and Mix 7) Wait for peas sprouts to turn bright Green

The Final Dish:

This was a great dish!!! I added this on top of a parsnip I had shredded in the food processor.  I also added a small amount of toasted sesame oil, splash of bragg, and black pepper to the RAW RICE.



Please comment and discuss anything with this blog! 🙂 

Next Giveaway – FOODMATTERS – Tune in tomorrow!!!